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The brand-new Low-Voltage International Technical Specification IEC TS 63107 ed 2020-04 has been published

The brand-new Low-Voltage International Technical Specification IEC TS 63107 ed 2020-04 has been published
07 . May . 2020

IEC TS 63107 ed 2020-04, the new international technical specification for the use of electric arcing detection and mitigation systems on low-voltage switchboards, has been published on the IEC website on April 28. This important technical specification has now become valid and will support the LV switchgear assembly manufacturers when using the arcing fault mitigation devices into the assembly .

Our experts, who presented IEC TS 63107 during the recent KEMA Labs Webinar, have been involved in the International standardization committee and have supported the manufacturers during the R&D testing phase in our KEMA Labs Berlin laboratory.

Now fully available for testing, according to the new document, IEC TS 63107 states the requirements for integration and testing of IAMS (Internal Arc-fault Mitigation Systems) in the Low Voltage switchgear and control gear assembly, in order to demonstrate their correct operation. When correctly used and tested, the IAMS may reduce, with a quenching time of less than milliseconds, the released energy in case of internal arc fault. Therefore, it can significantly reduce damage on the assembly, improving the suitability of the assembly after an arc fault and enhancing the ability of the assembly itself to narrow the risk of injury to operative personnel.

Furthermore, we believe this new document may allow manufacturers to increase the safety of their products and, most importantly, grant to the end customers a higher quality and efficiency in the production, avoiding unpredictable fault or production stop, caused by internal arc faults.

For more info, you can listen to our recorded webinar and read the presentation of IEC TS 63107 here .

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