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Advisory services

Regulatory & Market studies

As the power sector evolves, it will require substantial investment. electricity generators need to base their investment strategies on their expected revenues. It is vitally important for them to predict their competitive positioning across all markets: from forward markets to real time balancing. Price scenarios need to be estimated considering both renewable generating units, which require significant capital investment, and conventional, including large hydro, which are more Opex-based. Meanwhile, TSOs want to understand how the need to reinforce the grid will affect electricity prices. State-of-the-art power market simulators can accurately estimate generation dispatch, grid congestion and risk of V-RES curtailment .

In addition , countries that are unbundling their electrical system need independent advice to define the optimal market design. CESI, having supported major operators in both Italian and international electricity markets, has the expertise to support power sector stakeholders in:

  • Power market models and simulations: from capacity markets to day-ahead, intra-day, ancillary and real time balancing markets
  • The economic feasibility of new generation plants (e.g. hours of operation, energy remuneration) and the impact of new players or solutions (VPPs, clusters of EVs, P2G)
  • Power market design
  • Grid code definition
  • Gap analysis between existing grid codes and best practice.
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