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9th ICOLD European Club Symposium 2013

9th ICOLD European Club Symposium 2013
10 . Apr . 2013

​On behalf of ITCOLD and ICOLD European Club, CESI has the pleasure to inform you that registrations for the 9th ICOLD European Club Symposium are now open.

The event “Sharing experience for safe and sustainable water storage” will take place on 10-12 April 2013 in Venice, Italy.

The technical European community from the dam field has to face many and difficult challenges in the new millennium.
The preservation and development of the European hydraulic infrastructure system emerges for their present-day importance, considering the ageing of the dams that were built during the industrialization phase of the past century. The rehabilitation, refurbishment, modernization and maintenance of the existing plants, as well as preservation and sustainability of know-how and transfer between generations, fall within the challenging aspects to be faced. Moreover, the climate change effects on water resources management require a new perspective in the use of reservoirs: the interaction between renewable energy plants, storage, and electricity grid needs integration in a multiple use of reservoirs operating in an environmentally sustainable context.

The Symposium could help to focus the interest of the experts on the most challenging topics and represents an effective motivating force towards the improvement and harmonization of the governance of the dams in Europe.

CESI will attend to the event with technical contributions related to following Topics:
A) Water resources management in Europe
Riccardo Zappalà (Enel), Daria Gatti, David Zuccalà, Rosella Caruana (Enel), Roberto Refrigeri (Enel) “Flood management of the Tevere River at Nazzano barrage, upstream Rome”

B) Preservation and development of European hydraulic infrastructure system
Daniele Cazzuffi “Long-time behaviour of exposed geomembranes used for the upstream face rehabilitation of concrete and masonry dams”

Marino Gotti, Alberto Masera, Paolo Gigli (Enel) “Dry Stone Masonry Dams, Interpretative analysis of long term horizontal and vertical displacements”

Caterina de Bellis, Marina Ghilardi, Cesare Pertot “Sustainable management of hydroelectric basins: multicriteria analysis on social and environmental assessment of alternative sites for settlement of dug sediments”

E) Towards improving and harmonizing dams governance in Europe

Rosella Caruana (Enel), Marina Eusebio, Paolo Gigli (Enel), Angelica Catalano (MIT-Direzione Generale Dighe ) “Campotosto Dams, an experience of the importance of back analysis for the evaluation of geotechnical properties”

CESI is honored that its engineers Alberto Masera and Alessandro Cadore are respectively in the Scientific Committee and in the technical secretariat of the conference.

We will be pleased to welcome you at CESI stand for the presentation of our activities related to dams.

See you in Venice!

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