Storm damage can wreak havoc on the electrical distribution system and instantaneously create a major impact on those who continuously depend on unfettered access to electrical energy. “Keeping the lights on” is a bedrock principle of utility operations, but is increasingly being challenged by more frequent and turbulent natural disasters. The quest for greater utility […]
A ferroresonance analysis related to HV Inductive Voltage Transformers (IVT) and power Voltage Transformers or Station Service Transformers (PVT/SST) was addressed to develop models based on EMT formulation, enabling detailed ferroresonance risk analyses in specific HV station conditions and helping in the equipment technical specifications (including anti-ferroresonance remedial provisions). The research relied on a comparison […]
The justification of transmission investments is becoming more complex and challenging with respect to the past decades since environmentally friendly solutions shall be adopted and the benefits for the society must be clearly highlighted and quantified. Clear and objective indicators of the benefits arising from transmission projects are playing a key role to foster the […]
According to the Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 ENTSO-E and the TSO Community strive for a secure, resilient, flexible, adequate and well interconnected pan-European power system, and they are acting unanimously to develop the most suitable responses to the challenges of the energy transition and digital transformation. The publishing of Summer and Winter Outlook, twice per year, […]
The reversal of voltage polarity is essential in HVDC cablesystems with Current Source Converters (CSC), since it enables to revert the direction of the power flow. Mass Impregnated Non-Draining (MIND) cables are known tobe able to withstand the voltage polarity reversal without particular problems. TERNA, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO), has introduced since many […]
Optical partial discharge detection is a new method to perform diagnosis of the insulation system detecting optical signals which are coming up at the same time.This method does not work with the electrical signals which are caused in case of partial discharges though. On the basis of this different physical process, external electrical noise can […]