Storm damage can wreak havoc on the electrical distribution system and instantaneously create a major impact on those who continuously depend on unfettered access to electrical energy. “Keeping the lights on” is a bedrock principle of utility operations, but is increasingly being challenged by more frequent and turbulent natural disasters. The quest for greater utility […]
The approval of the Third Energy Package in 2009 marked the start of a further stage in powermarket integration in Europe. Following the wake of the Third Energy Package, the objective of attaining an efficient pan-European electricity market has been given the highest priority to increase competitiveness, foster thepenetration of RES generation and also enhance […]
To secure electricity supply to consumers , foster Renewable Energy Sources integration and favour an efficient internal electricity market, the European Commission has adopted a recent communication in which European Member States and Transmission System Operators are urged to develop interconnections between national grids. However, the development of new lines – should they be overhead […]
HVDC links are becoming an increasingly popular solution to interconnect previously isolated systems or to establish new corridors within highly meshed networks. As a matter of fact, HVDC links show outstanding advantages with respect to HVAC corridors such as full controllability of power flow avoiding the creation of parallel or, even, loop flows in meshed […]
This paper presents the main results of the studies carried out for the project of High voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Interconnection between Italy and France, called “Piemonte-Savoie” about electromagnetic interferences with other services. The project has been jointly performed by TERNA and RTE and the studies have been made with the support of the Italian […]