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Technical Papers

Discover more about the energy issues through the technical papers written by our experts
01 . 11 . 2011
Alessandro Bertani
Advanced Operation of the High Voltage System Highlights from the Italian Plan for System Security,Advanced Operation of the High Voltage System Highlights from the Italian Plan for System Security
The Italian Plan for System Security (IPSS) is a coordinated actions program devoted to revise and possibly improve practices and systems used for the Italian Transmission System Operation. The IPSS is lastly introducing modern operating solutions which are parts of both the Smart Grid for Transmission paradigms and the ENTSO-E research emerging initiatives. As known, […]
01 . 11 . 2011
Bruno Cova
Market integration in Europe
​The approval of the Third Energy Package in 2009 marked the start of a further stage in powermarket integration in Europe. Following the wake of the Third Energy Package, the objective of attaining an efficient pan-European electricity market has been given the highest priority to increase competitiveness, foster thepenetration of RES generation and also enhance […]
03 . 01 . 2011
Stefano Malgarotti
The new France-Spain interconnector: a long path to social acceptance in France
To secure electricity supply to consumers , foster Renewable Energy Sources integration and favour an efficient internal electricity market, the European Commission has adopted a recent communication in which European Member States and Transmission System Operators are urged to develop interconnections between national grids. However, the development of new lines – should they be overhead […]
23 . 09 . 2010
Giulia Bergamo
Testing of elastomeric isolators for nuclear power plants
Nowadays, the design of nuclear power plants (NPP) is characterized by enhanced safety level. In particular, GEN III+ and GEN IV reactors have to be highly secure and designed to withstand extremely severe external events such as floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, plane crashes, fires and, in particular, earthquakes. Seismic isolation is considered the most promising technology […]
06 . 04 . 2010
Stefano Malgarotti
Linking Europe to Africa through long distance HVDC submarine interconnectors: methodology applied to the feasibility study and technical challenges to be overcome
HVDC  links  are  becoming  an  increasingly  popular  solution  to  interconnect  previously  isolated systems or to establish new corridors within highly meshed networks. As a matter of fact, HVDC links show outstanding advantages with respect to HVAC corridors such as full controllability of power flow avoiding the creation of parallel or, even, loop flows in meshed […]
01 . 08 . 2008
Alessandro Bertani
Smart Grids: Preliminary MV Network Model using real time digitalsimulator and real devices in a closed loop control
The wide diffusion of Distributed Generation (DG) represents a possible development of modern electrical systems that can evolve towards “Smart Grids”. In fact, Smart-Grids should manage energy production and loads in a smart way, through appropriate communication systems and applications to be designed for the scope. Moving in this direction, Enel Distribuzione, built up a […]