The Italian Plan for System Security (IPSS) is a coordinated actions program devoted to revise and possibly improve practices and systems used for the Italian Transmission System Operation. The IPSS is lastly introducing modern operating solutions which are parts of both the Smart Grid for Transmission paradigms and the ENTSO-E research emerging initiatives.
As known, the Smart Grid initiatives aim to transform the functionality of electric systems so that they become able to provide a more user-oriented service, enabling the achievement of the 20-20-20 targets and guaranteeing environment high security in a competitive market environment, security, quality and economic efficiency of electric supply. In the ENTSO-E R&D plan and subsequent projects, priority research fields include tools to prove the efficiency of technology aimed at increasing both the flexibility and the security of the operation of transmission systems, as well as new tools, based on simulation techniques, that will give rise to new market design options. Regarding the network data exchange between TSOs, a relevant on-going initiative is represented by the Common Information Model (CIM) standardization, strongly pushed by ENTSO-E itself ad adopted in Italy by Terna.
This papers firstly depicts a coherent vision for the Smart Grid for Transmission paradigms, as learned during the development of the IPSS. Subsequently the status of some relevant projects, developed by Terna with CESI support as part of IPSS, is synthetically described.
For each of these projects, the paper summarizes the main objectives, the system architecture, the functional characteristics and the current stage of development and deployment.