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Technical Papers

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01 . 08 . 2008
Alessandro Bertani
Smart Grids: Preliminary MV Network Model using real time digitalsimulator and real devices in a closed loop control
The wide diffusion of Distributed Generation (DG) represents a possible development of modern electrical systems that can evolve towards “Smart Grids”. In fact, Smart-Grids should manage energy production and loads in a smart way, through appropriate communication systems and applications to be designed for the scope. Moving in this direction, Enel Distribuzione, built up a […]
01 . 08 . 2008
Matteo Stori
The new DTS for the italian transmission system disparcher: organization, architecture, tools and functionalities
The complexity of power system operation, has increased over the past few decades, also due to sector liberalization and market introduction, and requires a growing level of training and responsiveness to control room operators. In this framework, the role of a Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) is essential. Its purpose is to replicate, with a suitable […]
01 . 01 . 2008
Bruno Cova
Impact of CO2 Reduction Targets on Transmission Capacity Expansion dictated by the Power Market Clearing: Application to the Italian and French Systems
The awareness of the close relationships between global warming and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission has risen enormously during the latest years. To set a bound on CO2 emissions, in the EU a CO2 cap is assigned to each Member State (EUA: European Union Allowance) and a market for trading emission allowances (ETS) is presently in […]
01 . 01 . 2008
Stefano Malgarotti
Experience of HVDC Interconnection Italy-France called “Piemonte-Savoie” Problems connected with EMF – ELF Study of interferences with other services in tunnel
This paper presents the main results of the studies carried out for the project of High voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Interconnection between Italy and France, called “Piemonte-Savoie” about electromagnetic interferences with other services. The project has been jointly performed by TERNA and RTE and the studies have been made with the support of the Italian […]
02 . 07 . 2007
Giorgio Perboni
Effect of chlorination on the corrosion behavior of CuNi 70/30 condenser tubing
In recent years, the detection of many MIC failure events affecting copper alloys in heat exchange plant drove the setting-up of experimental monitoring systems regarding these phenomena. The formation of protective oxide layers growing on CuNi 70/30, commonly employed in seawater, and the positive role of chlorination treatments were particularly addressed. For this purpose measurements […]
01 . 07 . 2007
Daniele Cazzuffi
Hydraulic tunnels
In more than 270 dams worldwide, geomembranes are the main waterproofing component. The geomembrane is generally associated with other geosynthetics performing various functions, thereby forming a geosynthetic barrier. In this paper, uses of geosynthetic barriers in the various types of dams are re- viewed. The types of dams reviewed include: embankment dams (earthfill and rockfill […]