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monitoraggio infrastrutture

Verifiche Strutturali, Idrogeologiche e sismiche
Verifiche strutturali statiche e dinamiche
Le verifiche strutturali sono un insieme di analisi e ispezioni effettuate su un edificio o su una struttura per assicurarsi che questi siano sicuri e in grado di sopportare le sollecitazioni a cui sono sottoposti. Le verifiche strutturali possono essere suddivise in due tipi principali: statiche e dinamiche. Ognuna di queste si concentra su aspetti […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Software di gestione di Sistemi di Monitoraggio Strutture
I sistemi di monitoraggio permettono agli ingegneri il controllo di strutture o del territorio avendo a disposizione informazioni in merito al comportamento di strutture o di dissesti al fine di identificare i rischi potenziali. I sistemi di monitoraggio sono dotati di opportuni software di gestione che vengono in aiuto per l’analisi dei dati e a […]
Civil Infrastructure
Cultural Heritage
ISMES, CESI’s civil engineering company, has decades of experience in structural diagnostics and monitoring of cultural heritage and historical buildings protection, having developed more than 200 projects on the most important sites in Italy (e.g. the leaning tower of Pisa, St. Mark’s Basilica, the Chapel of the Holy Shroud), and internationally (e.g. The Temple of […]
Civil Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering is a field that encompasses competences such as geology, geotechnics, hydraulics, structural engineering and construction management. Civil engineering supports human activity and safety in sectors such as infrastructure, electric power generation and transmission, oil and gas, seismic and hydrogeological risk management, transport and urban communities. ISMES, CESI’s specialist civil engineering company, […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVAC Infrastructures
Both developing and industrialized countries are heavily investing to upgrade their power systems to ensure reliable and efficient power supplies and to facilitate energy trading with neighboring countries. At the same time, the traditional transmission network model is coming under pressure from the spread of distributed generation . With few technological breakthroughs likely in new […]
Monitoring & Diagnostic
Environmental Monitoring
Companies and public bodies have many responsibilities relating to environmental protection and health and safety in the areas around production plants and electric energy transmission infrastructure . CESI can design and implement environmental monitoring plans to determine the level of pollutants in air, water and soil, analyze airborne pollutants and model how pollution levels change […]
Ottimizzazione delle operazioni
L’ottimizzazione delle operazioni è un concetto cardine per ISMES, azienda del Gruppo CESI specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e delle infrastrutture. Questo principio guida l’attività di ISMES, che mira a massimizzare l’efficienza, minimizzare i costi e migliorare la qualità dei servizi offerti. Ottimizzazione delle operazioni – gli ambiti di applicazione L’ottimizzazione delle operazioni si concretizza in una […]
Infrastrutture Civili
Infrastrutture di trasporto Le infrastrutture di trasporto rivestono un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo e la crescita economica di ogni paese, permettendo lo spostamento e lo scambio sia di merci sia di persone fra regioni e paesi limitrofi. In Italia la maggior parte di queste opere sono state sviluppate a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. A […]
Conventional PP, Industrial & Oil&gas
Conventional Power Plants
When planning conventional power plants, our clients put their trust in our experience across all planning activities, from conceptual development to site supervision, commissioning management, operation management including monitoring , right through to the decommissioning of the plant. Our deep knowledge of all factors, with specific experience in the main generation technologies (open and combined […]
From 24 to 28of April, CESI will be at HANNOVER MESSE, the world’s most important industrial tradeshow and largest capital goods exhibition: 6,500 exhibitors, 1, 700 lectures, 2,500 journalists. CESI together with experts from a variety of disciplinesisworking now on trailblazing concepts which will allow to generate, store, transmit and distribute electric power more cleanly […]
Starting from today, CESI has a Twitter account to post news and comments on energy, with a focus on electricity and innovation. The news will be selected by our experts among the most important sources around the world together with news about CESI. Twitter will be also a channel to communicate and interact with CESI […]
CESI at MEE 2017
​From 14 to 16 February CESI   will attend the  Middle East Electricity (MEE) trade show. Our company is pleased to host its guests at its H3.E30 stand. There, CESI product developer managers,  Area managers and the CESI Sales Director of the testing Division will answer to any technical and commercial question relevant to test […]
Technical papers
Optical PD detection in high voltage cable accessories
Optical partial discharge detection is a new method to perform diagnosis of the insulation system detecting optical signals which are coming up at the same time.This method does not work with the electrical signals which are caused in case of partial discharges though. On the basis of this different physical process, external electrical noise can […]
Technical papers
Maximum feasible penetration of non-programmable RES generation in power systems
​The large-scale development of renewable sources, with particular reference to wind, in the generation mix might introduce several problems for a secure management of the power system, due to a higher generation uncertainty, thus requiring careful investigations by the responsible for planning and the involved system operators. In this context, CESI has developed a thorough […]
Technical papers
Field measurements and frequency domain modeling of a 400 kV underground cable line
The length of XLPE-insulated underground cable lines in the European HV / EHV network is experiencing a fast growth due to the increasing number of submarine interconnections and suitability to be installed also in urban area with nil visual impact after installation. Use of cable stretches in combination with overhead lines has proven to be […]