Ready to overcome fossil fuels dependence?, the new issue of CESI’s Energy Journal, is now available online at this link. You can read EJ 23 directly online or download a printable PDF version.
Our new Energy Journal focuses on the new roadmap to the transition, describing how difficult it is to maintain a balance and keep our economies growing and being on track towards decarbonization: an issue that has become even more critical due to the need to immediately compensate the lack of Russian gas supplies.
Independence from fossil fuels is the starting point that has driven this issue to present new analyses in which we emphasize how in the medium-long term – in order to replace fossil fuel imports from Russia, address the high cost of energy, and become independent – structural solutions need to be identified, integrating energy storage activities with an increased production of renewables.
Such topics are introduced in the Scenario section, which highlights the necessity to modify the way in which we produce and consume energy, acting immediately and using the available technology. An example of this is offered, in Top Story, where we present a CESI analysis, focused on the Italian electricity market, which reveals how a greater penetration of wind and solar energy in the power system could reduce the need to import gas and increase the country’s energy independence in the medium-long term.
Apart from Italy, the Industries & Countries section underlined how the energy crisis is pushing a return of coal in several areas and industries, in order to pinpoint to several solutions that could avoid that and accelerate the energy transition. In this respect, the Opinions section summarizes the outlook of four institutional representatives on the current geopolitical and energy scenarios.
Finally, the Future & Technologysection explains how several CESI activities contribute concretely to overcoming reliance on fossil fuels and developing flexible, interconnected, and sustainable energy systems.
We hope you enjoy our new Energy Journal!