CESI has contributed to modernize the Plima Lasa hydroelectric power plant powered by the waters derived from the basin of the Gioveretto dam in the North of Italy (in Val Martello, South Tyrol). The Gioveretto dam had already been subjected to cleaning operations of the pipes at the end of 2013, but they ended up being only partially conclusive. For this reason, CESI has designed a new grout curtain for water tightness that was obtained by injections from the inspection gallery using the G.I.N. (Grouting Intensity Number) method, which limits the amount of grout in function of the pressure reached.
Due to our intervention, the grout curtain allowed a significant reduction of the uplift pressure, bringing it back to the levels recorded during the first years of the reservoir operation. The operations on the waterproofing screen and the remaking operations on the foundation drainage system have provided decidedly positive results, making the Gioveretto dam both more resilient and fully functioning at its highest potential.
According to International Water Power & Dam Construction’s Suzanne Pritchard reports, hydropower retains its dominant presence in renewable generation across Europe (48% of the total renewable energy mix). However, there is increasing concern about the impact of climate change on the European energy system as a whole. Adaptation and resilience will be key to future hydropower production in the face of more frequent and extreme weather events.
In this respect, CESI supervises hydropower plant operations with a focus on structural safety and performance. We have performed studies and activities on more than 300 dams in Italy and globally, including working on one of the biggest dams in the world (Itaipu, between Brazil and Paraguay). Thanks to our technical expertise in the hydropower sector, we can help clients prepare geological, structural and hydraulic studies, feasibility studies, new installation designs and/or rehabilitation of existing plants, safety assessment, and design, installation and maintenance of monitoring systems.
Read the full article on CESI’s operations for the Gioveretto dam