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Bringing safer products to worldwide market with the new IEC TS 63107

Bringing safer products to worldwide market with the new IEC TS 63107
22 . Jun . 2020

Recently published and now available for utilization, the IEC TS 63107 states the requirements for integration and testing of internal arc-fault mitigation systems in low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies – PSC-assemblies, according to IEC 61439-2 to demonstrate their correct operation. KEMA Labs experts, as members of the IEC Project Team PT63107, have given a strong contribution: working closely with more than thirty worldwide experts, we have contributed to the new Technical standard, which brings new safety concepts on the LV Switchgear assembly market .

In addition, KEMA Labs low-voltage, our Berlin laboratory, has recently performed several tests both for assembly and IAMS manufacturers that comply to the new IEC TS 63107. Thanks to its long and recognized experience in testing of Low Voltage components and mainly switchgear assembly, the facility in Berlin has been able to become home for these cutting-edge testing activities, which reaffirm the key role of the new specification within internal arc-fault mitigation systems in low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies.

IEC TS 63107 is particularly crucial for the sector, as LV switchgear assemblies are undoubtedly the components of the electric installation more subjected to the direct intervention of personnel, as well as very delicate elements, since when an arc fault may happen it could result in catastrophic damages to both switchgear assemblies and humans. Such damages, which could affect the entire critical production as well, could be reduced by using arcing fault mitigation devices with a quenching time of less milliseconds.

In this respect, IEC TS 63107 states the requirements for integration and testing of IAMS (Internal Arc Mitigation System) in Low-voltage PSC-assemblies, according to IEC 61439-2, to demonstrate their correct operation. Furthermore, it addresses the requirements with respect to construction and performance as well as to testing for the reliable function of an IAMS under built-in conditions. Due to its characteristics and scope, IEC TS 63107 supports both the original manufacturer and the assembly manufacturer in performing the additional design verification tests required by international standards.

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