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EnerNex role in the SCE’s Grid Modernization Project

EnerNex role in the SCE’s Grid Modernization Project
08 . Sep . 2020

Over the last years, EnerNex, a CESI company , has been working with Southern California Edison (SCE) in the process of implementing Smart Grid applications as part of an ongoing grid modernization effort in the United States.

The ultimate goal of the collaboration is to improve reliability and asset utilization, integrate Distributed Energy Resources, and timely demand response to market and other signals. In this respect, EnerNex and SCE have developed a methodology to support SCE’s deployment of Distribution System State Estimator (DSSE) , using telemetry and operational forecasting to ensure optimal execution of applications such as Volt-Var Optimization (VVO) and Fault Location, Isolation, Restoration (FLISR), while avoiding voltage and capacity violations .

Within this process, EnerNex and SCE made significant steps ahead in automating and refining the analysis so that it can be applied to a large number of circuits. Currently, the project focuses on the development of a tool to guide the wide-scale deployment of sensors and operational forecasting on utility circuits, and illuminate the following questions related to the development and application of this tool:

  • What is the availability and quality of circuit models needed for the evaluation?
  • What are the challenges related to bad data, and how can the data be cleansed?
  • Are there any patterns regarding sensor schemes’ effectiveness that emerge from applying the developed DSSE performance methodology on a large number of circuits?

To learn more about the project, check the EnerNex website at the following link:

On this topic, a jointly presented webinar will be available on the EnerNex website in the next weeks.

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