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CESI’s project on the elevation of the Levane Dam

CESI’s project on the elevation of the Levane Dam
20 . Nov . 2020

CESI was commissioned by Enel Green Power to complete, integrate and revise the Enel 2015 project for raising the Levane Dam, fulfilling the General Directorate of Dams (GDD) requirements relating to the dam and its shoulders. The elevation of the Levane Dam is a project within the Arno River Basin Plan, among various interventions to mitigate possible flooding risks in the city of Florence.

CESI’s design action took into account the results obtained from the experimentation on a physical model of the effects of the reference floods through the spillway conducted by the University of Florence for the specific project needs.

Therefore, the project planned to raise the height of the dam‘s crowning from the current level, keeping the maximum regulation elevation above sea level. The volumes of concrete have been determined not only by the new geometry, but also to cope with the greater hydraulic and seismic loads and have been optimized for the various parts of which the dam is constituted.

The project is dependent on further hydrological assessments concerning the hydraulic risk associated with the watercourse. It does, however, include an assessment of hydrological scenarios with sufficiently high return period. Furthermore, these scenarios are associated with the appropriate hydraulic verification, which satisfy what is required by current technical legislation. This project has been drafted ex novo with respect to the one sent to GDD in October 2015. Moreover, the project responds to the requests made in the final investigation of GDD as reported in the various specialist reports and documents.

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