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27 . May . 2019

​Milan, May 27, 2019 – CESI is attending as speaker the Conference “Sustainable mobility in the energy transition framework: challenges and opportunities for Italy” organized by WEC Italy. Gianluca Marini, Division Director at CESI, is focusing onthe relevant impact of electric vehicles penetration in the Country, both in terms of electric consumption and electricity transmission. In fact, for example, 6 million vehicles (the number of vehicles projected by MISE to be on the road in Italy by 2030) could lead to 18-24 TWh of additional energy demand (7% of the total energy demand in Italy). This could bring additional challenges: from the necessity of adequate charging infrastructures to the possibility of using the vehicle as an asset to offer services to the grid. In fact, domestic vehicles are not used for about 95% of the time.  Moreover, a concrete penetration of renewable sources could be facilitated by electric mobility, by improving flexibility and storage.
Basically, nowadays, also the mobility sector is a the center of a disruptive revolution led by sustainability, a necessary step to cope with climate change. A concrete implementation of sustainable vehicles drives us towards an economy that is more efficient in the use of its energy sources.
During the event, starting from an introduction on thestatus quo of the transportation sector, speakers are analyzing the future perspectives of the mobility sector, from recharge systems to national and local investments, public transportation, the sharing mobility and, last but not least, the necessary cultural change that must support our shift towards the new transportation model.​

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