Some of the most important players have discussed about it during the 2016 CESI Convention.
Nowadays, the world is embarking on an unprecedented energy revolution in terms of both scale and urgency. Almost every day, news on investments in renewables as well as in technological innovations follow one another in the media.
This scenario has been the main topic of the 2016 CESI Convention, held in Milan on June 7. In occasion of the celebration of its 60 years, CESI has invited some of the most important players of the energy sector in Italy and in Europe to discuss about the energy revolution. In particular, the Convention was attended by:
Patrizia Toia – Vice Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy at the European Parliament
Guido Bortoni – Chairman of the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water
Matteo Del Fante – Terna CEO
Francesco Starace – Enel CEO
Catia Bastioli – Terna Chairman
Patrizia Grieco – Enel Chairman
George Killas – Executive Vice President at EuroAsia Interconnector
Fabio Romeo – Chief Strategy Officer at Prysmian
GB Ferrari – Marketing and Sales Director at ABB
Smeraldo Fiorentini – General Director at Almaviva
together with Matteo Codazzi – CESI CEO and Salvatore Machì – CESI Chairman.
The main outcomes of the event confirmed that the development of renewables is a concrete and lasting pathway for the climate change mitigation, reducing the dependence on imported fuel, and promoting as well the economic development. The other crucial pillar of the ongoing revolution is, and will be more and more in the future, the application of digital technologies to the electricity sector, in particular shifting towards the new paradigm of the Internet of Things. This trend is already transforming the way to produce and consume electricity: people are beginning to take more control over their own energy up to become producers themselves. In the end, all the participants agreed that to accomplish this ambitious transformation, it is fundamental that the public and private sectors work together to develop a new regulatory frame and to foster investments in a mix of energy technologies that are both low carbon and cost competitive.