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Digitalization for the power grid: what are the best solutions?
17 . 05 . 2021
Digitalization for the power grid: what are the best solutions?
Digitalization is helping to improve safety, productivity, accessibility and sustainability of power grids around the world
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5G applications: the energy sector at the forefront
22 . 04 . 2021
5G applications: the energy sector at the forefront
Digitalization is becoming more and more part of our daily lives. Accelerated by the current pandemic, digital technologies have set the foundations for a smart future in which innovative services will enable a fully connected world. This is where fifth generation technologies come into play, the so-called 5G, which is also becoming the future in several sectors.
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5G and advanced connectivity for the energy transition: Elettricità Futura and CESI joint webinar
25 . 03 . 2021
5G and advanced connectivity for the energy transition: Elettricità Futura and CESI joint webinar
On April 27th (10.30am – 12pm, CET), during the webinar "5G and advanced connectivity for the energy transition", organized by Elettricità Futura in partnership with CESI, the protagonists of the electricity and ICT sectors will discuss the technological opportunities related to digitalization
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