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Italian Minister Pichetto Fratin at the Aspen – CESI energy security webinar

Italian Minister Pichetto Fratin at the Aspen – CESI energy security webinar
06 . Feb . 2023

The European Green Deal, with the “Fit for 55” climate package of July 2021, marked an economic paradigm shift. Now, to this are added the new priorities aimed at the diversification of supplies. Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine makes even more urgent the need to strengthen energy security and decrease the need for foreign supplies. It is essential to understand what could be the most effective path for Italy, and for Europe, to adapt most effectively to the new scenario.

This will be the main topic of the hybrid event (in person and in streaming) on February 15, 2023, organized by Aspen Institute Italia in collaboration with CESI SpA. The event will be attended by: Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Italian Minister of the Environment and Energy Security; Giulio Tremonti, President of both Aspen Institute Italia and the Italian Senate Foreign Affairs Commission, Aurelio Regina, Member of the Confindustria Presidential Council and Delegate for Energy Transition and President of the Confindustria Energy Technical Group; Davide Tabarelli, Chairman of Nomisma Energia, and Guido Bortoni, Chairman of CESI.

A significant part of Europe, are still highly dependent on natural gas. In this respect, Italy can leverage the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) to accelerate the energy transition and thus become more independent from the import of fossil fuels. However, it is importanto not to fall into other addictions, for example those linked to rare materials, and not to cause an increase in energy prices. In the Aspen – CESI event we will try to analyze which are the most effective paths in this regard. Here for more information on participation and registration:

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