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 CESI, consultant on wind offshore in Bangladesh 

 CESI, consultant on wind offshore in Bangladesh 
03 . Apr . 2023

CESI , in partnership with Blix (Netherland), and the local consultants Synotech Engineering e SS Solutions (Bangladesh), has been awarded the contract for conducting prefeasibility and feasibility study for offshore wind farm in Bangladesh.

The study is entirely financed by the Asian Development Bank.The Pre-Feasibility phase is aimed to identify the most appropriate site in the Gulf of Bengala for the installation of the Wind Off-shore facilities.In the Feasibility stage, the requirements of the offshore wind farm will be outlined, as well as the impact on the transmission network and the necessary modification to the Bangladesh National Grid Code. In addition, an economic and financial assessment of the infrastructure will be prepared.

CESI is already active in the Off-shore wind developments. In Italy we are supporting some of the most flagship projects recently launched, serving our clients across the entire project development, from the execution of grid impact and grid code compliance Studies, to the Electrical, Civil and Environmental Engineering services required to properly connect the generators to the National Grid, for both the terrestrial and the marine components.

As CESI we believe in the Off-shore wind development as a key accelerator of our decarbonization path and we are proud to play an active role in this journey.

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