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KEMA Labs Executive Vice President interviewed by Transformers Magazine

KEMA Labs Executive Vice President interviewed by Transformers Magazine
31 . Aug . 2022

Several changes are nowadays influencing new T&D infrastructures design, but the common factor is one: a sustainable energy transition!”

This is what Domenico Villani (Testing, Inspection and Certification Division – KEMA Labs Executive Vice President at CESI) told Transformers Magazine, during an exclusive interview which took place at the 2022 CIGRE Technical Exhibition in Paris.

Mr. Villani, who is participating at the exhibit together with several other experts from KEMA Labs, has detailed the main services and products that the CESI Division is presenting: from SF6-replacement technologies to natural esters in transformers, from HVDC transmission grids to the innovations in the e-mobility industry.

As Transformers Magazine is a publication specializing in the transformers industry and the market, with particular focus on green solutions and solutions for smart grids, the interview to the KEMA Labs EVP focused heavily on sustainability. In this respect, “to support the energy transition, for example in the field of transportation – according to Domenico Villani – KEMA Labs have developed a new test bench for automotive products, battery packs, and storage systems covering the entire e-mobility value chain.”

Moreover, Villani spoke about KEMA Labs crucial role in supporting the digitalization of power systems by offering fundamental services in regard to “digital substations and digital T&D components,” but also “testing entire systems, not just single components: at KEMA Labs, we are already there with our digital laboratories, namely the FLEX Power Grid Lab, and others.”

In addition, throughout the interview, topics related to interoperability, ground-breaking tests carried out at the KEMA Labs facilities, and smart technologies have been discussed. 

You can read the full interview at this link.

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