The Impact of Green Hydrogen on the Power System, the new CESI and EnerNex joint webinar, will take place on March 1st, at 4pm (CET). Register here, for free, to attend the event.
The event will feature key experts Bruno Cova (Advisory Services & Studies Director – CESI), Steven Rupp (Director of Consulting Services – EnerNex) and Carlo Brancucci (Co-Founder and CEO – encoord), who will discuss the hydrogen strategy in the US and the experiences from the EU.
The starting point will be the CESI Study Italian Hydrogen Strategy: What Impact on the Power System?, which investigates the impact of the Italian Hydrogen Strategy, developed by the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development (MiSE) on the power system by 2030, comparing different scenarios in the installation of electrolyzers and location of additional renewable energy sources power plants. Moreover, the USA hydrogen strategy to reach the country’s ambitious decarbonization goals will be assessed. Finally, modelling tools of electrolyzers in the power system will be presented.
Join us now by registering at this link.