In Oman, the supply of electricity has increased by 140% over the past ten years to meet the greater demand. Albeit at a slower rate, the demand is set to continue to grow as the population continues to expand. Notwithstanding its significant potential in renewables (for instance, solar density in Oman is amongst the highest in the world), the country continues to mainly depend on energy generated from conventional electric plants powered by fossil fuels.
However, the Arabic Sultanate of Oman is now aiming to diversify its economy and looking with increasing interest at renewable energy and especially wind and solar electric generation whose development will be entrusted to private operators.
In this respect, CESI has also been conducting consulting services on the integration of renewable energy in Oman. Specifically, we have developed standards and regulations for the country’s electric energy authority to guarantee that the solar photovoltaic plants connected to the distribution network do not affect the security and reliability of the electric infrastructure and supply quality.
One of the first strategic steps in this operation is a new project commissioned to CESI to update the masterplan for the transmission system of the Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) to 2040. The objective is to define the best technical- economic options for the long-term development of the transmission system, based on the OPWP (Oman Power and Water Procurement Company) generation plan, and promoting an integration with renewable energy sources capacity.
In terms of sustainability, the CESI plan is aligned with the United Nations SDGs, as the guidelines call for an increase in the production of emission-free energy from wind and photovoltaic plants with a flexible network capable of countering intermittent generation, providing a reliable supply throughout the country, the integration of rural areas and the development of non-conventional transmission assets to mitigate environmental impact.