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CESI at the Hydrogen Forum 2022

CESI at the Hydrogen Forum 2022
23 . Mar . 2022

Today, March 23rd at 9.15 am (CET), CESI, together with the other key players in the energy sector, will take part in the Hydrogen Forum 2022, organized by Sole 24 Ore, the most important Italian daily business newspaper. In this respect, Gianluca Marini (Executive Vice President Consulting Division at CESI) will be one of the key speakers at the event.

Given the great expertise of CESI in regard to this topic, on which we published an in-depth analysis titled Italian Hydrogen Strategy: What Impact on the Power System?, Gianluca Marini will address the impact of green hydrogen on the Italian power network, analyzing risks and opportunities connected to the 5 GW additions of electrolyzers in Italy by 2030.

The Hydrogen Forum presents itself today as the annual reference point for the system of operators and companies of products and services in the energy sector. The event is intended as a moment of confrontation in the light of the new opportunities offered by the PNRR (the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and the most current international geopolitical challenges, to take stock of the scenarios and strategies of energy transition and economic development of Italy through green hydrogen.

Join the event by registering at this link.

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