While the power sector in Nigeria has various issues, in the absence of a robust EMS/SCADA ( Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ) and communication system, the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) is experiencing a major hurdle connecting and communicating to all of the sub-stations and generating stations on a real-time basis. This has contributed to the country’s power system experiencing multiple system blackouts each year.
In this respect, the Rehabilitation of SCADA Systems project – entirely funded by World Bank Group (WBG) – aims to implement a full-scale state-of-the-art SCADA, EMS and telecommunication system to monitor and manage in a safe and reliable manner the relevant Nigerian electrical network . Furthermore, the project has the goal to monitor energy exchanges with the interconnected countries. In addition, the scope of the project includes the implementation of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and related adaptation works at relevant substations.
Due to its expertise in the field, CESI has been assigned Consultancy Services supervision for the project . Specifically, the scope of the services comprehends the construction supervision of the EPC contract , including detailed Engineering Design Review, Site Supervision and Commissioning works.
Furthermore, CESI involvement in the project includes procurement support for the selection of the design, supply and installation contractor for SCADA/EMS systems.
Our involvement in the Rehabilitation of SCADA Systems project began in October 2021 and is set to be completed before January 2025.