On Thursday, September 16 th , at 4pm (CEST) reserve time for “High-voltage switchgear: The road towards SF6 alternatives” , the new KEMA Labs webinar .
Since decades, SF6 gas has been the workhorse of HV technology , combining a ‘close to ideal’ combination of excellent insulation and superior current interruption. Its dark side, however, is also outstanding: it is the most potent greenhouse gas on earth , having a CO2 equivalent (GWP – Global Warming Potential) of 23,500. In terms of mass, the word wide SF6 emission of around 9,000 ton per year is totally dwarfed by the 34 billion ton of CO2 emission, but its ugly equivalent still makes SF6 emission contribute few tenths of a percent of the global greenhouse gas emission . Therefore, the manufacturing industry has understood the concerns and is developing SF6-free technologies .
In this respect, through the presentation and debate between René Smeets (Innovation Specialist at KEMA Labs ) and John Owens (Lead Research Specialist – 3M ), the upcoming webinar will introduce the physical, health, environment and safety aspects of alternative gases, like fluoronitriles and fluoroketones , while also offering an exploration of the application of alternative gases in T&D switchgear and SF6-free vacuum switchgear.
Finally, before the Q&A with the audience, the sector experts will showcase pilot projects that demonstrate how SF6 gas alternatives are possible and more sustainable.