On Monday, December 6th (4pm, CET) join our new and free of charge webinar, “It’s Now Time to Make our Future Sustainable.”
In this CESI webinar, which is an opportunity to explore the topics presented in our latest Energy Journal issue, available for free at CESI’s Energy Journal, the discussion between four renowned speakers will revolve around the topic of sustainability and the growth of the competitiveness of green sources.
In this respect, the webinar will be opened by a greeting speech by Valentina Bosetti (Terna Chairwoman). After that, Massimo Garribba (Deputy Director-General Responsible for the coordination of EURATOM policies – Directorate General Energy at the European Commission) and Douglas J. Arent (Executive Director, Strategic Public Private Partnerships, National Renewable Energy Laboratory – NREL) will speak about the key strategies toward decarbonization, respectively in Europe and the United States. Alongside them, Guido Bortoni (CESI Chairman and former President and Commissioner of ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment) will address the crucial role of mitigation and adaptation initiatives for the energy transition, offering his point of view on the current scenario, upcoming technological developments and mid-term solutions.
At the end of the roundtable, Gianni Pietro Girotto (Chairman of the Industry, Trade and Tourism Committee – Italian Senate of the Republic) will deliver his closing remarks.
According to Garribba, the current EU decarbonization policies “If fully implemented, would take us to a 45% greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Decarbonization requires nothing less than a complete transformation of the entire economy and a fundamental change in our lifestyle. To do so, all partners across all sectors across the globe need to be more ambitious. The only way of achieving this ambition is to raise the level of public and private investment in the clean energy transition – like a new industrial revolution.”
“Moving from an energy economy which is dominated by underground molecules to above ground resources and system dynamics implies a significant rethinking of countries’ approaches to geopolitics, and is front of mind for many,” is what the NREL Executive Director stated. During his speech in the webinar, he will explore further the role of the United States in transitioning to a decarbonized society.
“When fighting climate change, it is necessary to intervene immediately and on a large scale, both in terms of emissions reduction and in terms of adapting to the different conditions in lifestyle and productive activities,” Bortoni said. According to the CESI Chairman, “The strategies that need to be introduced must not disrupt the economic, productive and social fabric, otherwise they will fail.”
Register, for free, to the webinar at this link.