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Our actions to face the global emergency

Our actions to face the global emergency
11 . Mar . 2020

COVID-19 unfortunately is heavily affecting people as well as social activities around the world. Even the electricity industry is suffering from the impact of this crisis, an essential service that can’t afford interruptions, especially in these times. For this reason, we have decided to continue supporting our customers, affirming in the meantime our crucial commitment to health and safety.  Following both the WHO’s and Local Authorities guidelines, since the end of February, CESI shared and implemented several measures with all its employees, customers and partners, including:  working from home, use of respirators and other protective devices for those who are working in our laboratories, maintaining social distance, measuring the temperature at the entrance of our premises, monitoring possible affected employees. 

In this way, we have undertaken most of our services, always considering Country-specific measures for health and safety. In particular, our laboratories in Milan, Arnhem, Berlin, Mannheim, Chalfont and Prague continue to be operational, in order to offer their essential services to our customers.

These are not ordinary days and we believe that only with the extraordinary commitment of each of us we can contribute to overcome these turbulent times.

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