We are experiencing a phase in which the energy sector, in the world, is changing abruptly and substantially, as it has not happened for more than a century. In this scenario, the need to effectively prevent the potential damage on the electricity grid caused by extreme weather phenomena is becoming more and more crucial. Therefore, there is an increasing need for greater reliability and resilience of the electrical systems as a whole: grids or their components. In this respect, the role of those who guarantee this reliability will be increasingly important, through testing, inspection and certification .
Once finalized the acquisition of KEMA Laboratories, CESI will become the world’s leading provider of independent testing of power components. In fact, the KEMA testing and inspections facilities acquired by CESI include the world’s largest high-power laboratory, with the highest short circuit power of 10,000 MVA, and the world’s first laboratory capable of testing ultra-high voltage components for super grids, as well as the Flex Power Grid Laboratory, for advanced testing of smart grids components. For more information on the acquisition please read the attached press release.