Milan, July 8, 2019 – Today Enel Foundation launched the first of a new series of studies on renewables carried on in collaboration with CESI. The innovative analyses look at different scenarios for the development of variable renewables in South America. This is a particularly interesting area, since it is endowed with outstanding renewable energy sources, both wind and solar, and clean energy prices are continuing to decrease. In addition, the need to fulfil the Paris Agreement, to which South American countries are committed, further enhances the superiority of green technologies against conventional generation .
But this also means facing some challenges, because power plants are often built in remote areas and the electricity must be transported through power grids to the final consumer where needed. The analyses try to answer some hot questions: how to efficiently integrate RES by 2030? And how to reinforce the transmission grid?
Today it’s the turn of Chile and Argentina. According to the report, in the best available technology scenario, Argentina’s optimal amount of VRES power plants at the target year 2030 is roughly 15 GW and in Chile it can reach 8.4 GW. But they need to efficiently manage their grid structures in order to reach the goal. Learn more: