Milan, September 23, 2019 – CESI CEO Matteo Codazzi attended the latest edition of the Italian Energy Summit, organized by Il Sole 24 Ore to discuss about sustainability, efficiency and innovation. In particular, Codazzi focused on the topic of mobility, that has a huge impact on the environment. In fact, he underlined that around 30% of Italian emissions come from the transport sector. PNIEC objectives to address the issue are challenging: the share of renewables in the transportation sector should reach 21% (today it stood at 6,5%) with a consequent reduction of CO2 emissions by 30%.
In this respect there are different possibilities, but electric vehicles offer huge and interesting opportunities in terms of sustainability. In Italy, for example, the actual mix sees a share of renewables equal to 40% in the transportation sector and electric vehicles are 55% less pollutant than traditional cars. Moreover, innovative technologies such s the Vehicle-To-Grid one help speed the process and let the role of the prosumer become central.
But e-mobility is an opportunity for the industry itself: the sector could employ 160,000 companies and 823,000 employees. Codazzi also underlined the benefits in terms of savings: in Italy, on 1 million electric cars around 1,1 billion euros in energy raw materials could be saved.