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03 . Jul . 2018

July 3, 2018 – Today in Rome it will be presented the Aspenia’s new special issue “Charging ahead: the energy transition”, realized by Aspen Italy in collaboration with CESI. The topic of this special monography deals with the energy transition and how it is affecting the energy sector in a sort of revolution, the first one since almost a century. The Aspenia’s special issue has involved some of the most important players and experts of the sector: Fatih Birol, Executive Director of IEA; Adnan Z. Amin, Director-General of IRENA, Francesco Starace, Enel CEO and Luigi Ferraris, Terna CEO.  In particular, CESI CEO Matteo Codazzi wrote an article  – “Twenty energy years from now” – in which he tries to imagine the future of energy thirty years from now, dealing with  digitization, renewables, storage, energy efficiency and mobility.
Aspenia will be circulated by Sole 24 Ore, the best known Italian economical newspaper. Its typical readership is composed of international political, business and academic leaders.
For launching this special issue, Aspen Institute Italia has organized a talk, “The energy future: innovation, technology, geopolitics”, with the participation of relevant personalities , such as Fatih Birol, Giulio Tremonti – Aspen Institute Italia President, Carlo Tamburi – Country Manager Enel Italia and Matteo Codazzi.
The event will take place in Rome, Piazza Navona,  114 , from 6:30pm. For more information, please see the invitation.​

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