The last issue of Energy Journal opens a window on the future of the electricity sector in order to highlight its primary developments .
In “Electricity’s future: no killer app to be resilient” it is highlighted the vision of the top management of Enel and Terna, the President of the Italian Energy Authority, and that of the Vice-President of the European Parliament’s Industry Commission. In a different interview Laura Cozzi, Deputy Head of the Directorate of Global Energy Economics at IEA, explores the energy scenario from today through 2100. Hans ten Berge, Secretary General of eurelectric, explains just how necessary it is that we rethink our tariff system.
All these experts’ thoughts and considerations seem to highlight one clear trend: there’s no point in waiting for a single killer app that will resolve all the challenges facing the energy sector. To put it another way, the only killer app will be the ability to efficiently integrate the most innovative technologies present online. Smart networks will increasingly lie at the center of development in the electric system.
With this in mind, a study conducted by Green Tech Media and highlighted in this issue of EJ shows just how reductive it is to talk about Smart Grids, and how necessary it is to think in terms of Grid Edge, considering the network as a sort of ecosystem. Thanks in part to the development of the Internet of Things, in the near future there will be billions of devices connected at the same time to both electric and Internet networks. Therefore, the resiliance capacities of energy networks is and will increasingly become a national security issue, as we can see quite clearly in the article, “Increasingly Intelligent, Increasingly Fragile.”
In this respect, CESI is already fully engaged with the revolution the energy sector is experiencing. Thanks to its ever-evolved skillsets, CESI continues to be a valid partner for major players in the electric market; someone with whom they can more effectively deal with the present, and concretely plan for the future.