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Med-TSO market studies

Med-TSO market studies
03 . Dec . 2015

CESI has been awarded a contract by Med-TSO through an international call for tender. It is the first integrated Euro-Mediterranean market study proposed by the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators.
The Euro-Mediterranean Region share the European necessity to enhance the coordination of  the development plans and  the electric grids operation  in order  to achieve  the benefits resulting from the sharing of resources, costs and risks of investments in infrastructure. The aim of this project is to develop, in close collaboration with MED-TSO members, market scenarios suitable for the evaluation of network investments to increase exchange capacity among countries. The analysis will be performed with a Grid Reliability and Adequacy  Risk Evaluator tool (GRARE).
Involved Countries: Albania OST, Algeria SONELGAZ, Cyprus Cyprus TSO, Egypt EETC, France RTE, Greece ADMIE, Israel IEC, Italy TERNA, Jordan NEPCO, Libya GECOL, Montenegro CGES, Morocco ONEE, Palestine PETL, Portugal REN, Slovenia ELES, Spain REE, Tunisia STEG, Turkey TEIA

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