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EJ: February’s issue is now available

EJ: February’s issue is now available
25 . Feb . 2015

​This new issue of our Energy Journal deals with a crucial topic: tumultuous development in big cities and how to manage their energy consumption. According to estimates, fifty years from now 70% of the world’s population will live in large urban centers. Extremely high levels of population density and energy consumption will represent the true technological challenge of the future .
In the present issue of EJ, we discuss the implications of this challenge together with Maria Patrizia Grieco, chairman of the Enel Group. In her interview we consider  the technological aspects of the challenge and we assess the models and paradigms that will prove most efficient in implementing smart grids  solutions.
Intense urbanization will particularly effect on BRICS and the third world countries, as it emerges in two other EJ’s  articles concerning Brazil and Africa.
In order to successfully address the challenges of the new millennium, the energy sector needs technologies based on rigorous and extremely demanding performance standards. In turn, such standards must be based on equally valid and rigorous testing and certification tools. Certification is in fact our focus for the closing article of this issue of EJ.
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