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EJ: December’s issue is now available

EJ: December’s issue is now available
01 . Dec . 2015

​This new issue of CESI’s Energy Journal opens with an event that has kept Italy in the World’s spotlight – Milano Expo 2015 – and focuses on to the next edition planned in Dubai in 2020. The Dubai Expo will be a “zero impact” event, concentrating on intrinsic environmental sustainability.
Today both the United States and Europe have already initiated the networks change process. In this issue of EJ, through exclusive interviews with Lisa Wood (Vice-President of The Edison Foundation) and Hans Ten Berge (Secretary General of Eurelectric), we will try to grasp the direction in which both US and EU are moving in, as well as the basic principles underlying the technologies supporting it.
We discuss existing technology in two other articles, in which Antonio Ardito and Paolo Miolo provide more insights into the concept of smart grids, currently a popular subject in the general media Finally, We also tackle a subject that is entirely new for EJ : nuclear energy. While in the Western World renewable energy is expected to account for most of generation capacity additions over upcoming decades, in Asia nuclear energy will handle the lion’s share of a growing need for energy.
We hope you enjoy reading our magazine.

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