On the international scene, USA area has undertook the first experience about the program exchange of credits in water quality mode can-and-trade in 2009. Now 32 States have established “trading programs” and/or “state policies” on the matter and no. 2 “inter-state trading projects”. Outside of the United States are currently reported N. 9 “trading programs”, […]
The development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is rapidly growing worldwide and they will play an increasingly important role in electricity power systems in the coming years. The majority of this is expected to be from Variable Non-Synchronous Renewable (VNSR) generation sources. According to the 2020 targets, significant volumes of VNSR generation are estimated across […]
Effects on technical standards development and on electricity sector of the Directive 2013/35/EU on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from electromagnetic fields which shall be adopted by 1 July 2016. The Directive 2013/35/UE was published on July 26th, 2013 after a long consultation process among […]
Since the second industrial revolution, the industry development has been strictly dependent from the availability of electric power and the reliability of the electric generation and distribution infrastructure. The reliability of an electric network could be seen as the combined reliability of its power components; since many decades, third party laboratories are trusted institutions […]
The recent changes to IEC standard for Low voltage switchgear assembly created a higher demand of tests which earlier were not mandatory. The former IEC 60439 defined indeed two different approaches to compliance: TTA – Type Tested Assembly, an assembly that has been completely type tested and PTTA – Partially Type Tested Assembly, an assembly […]
Torrential rains and downpours devastated Europe over the course of 2014. Recent studies demonstrate that these kinds of phenomena may double by 2050, for an estimated 23 billion euro in collateral damages. Prevention is of paramount importance in order to limit the social costs of these events, and must be planned in a strategic manner […]