The transparency needs and the market opportunities arising from the liberalization of theenergy sector often require Transmission System Operators to review some establishedpractices, by means of which quality, safety and efficiency of the power system operationhave been assured for years. This article describes a solution for the very short term optimaldispatching (also named “Advance Dispatching” with international terminology), jointlydeveloped by Terna and CESI and currently in operation at the National Control Centre inRome. Advance Dispatching represents an innovative tool for the adequacy analysis of theItalian power system, supporting Control Room Operators in the real-time dispatching phase.
The Advance Dispatching project is part of the Smart Grid roadmap, already undertaken byTerna and CESI and aimed at continuously improving the dispatching solutions, which havealways been important for the reliability of the electrical systems operation and whose furtherimprovement is ultimately becoming urgent because of the rapid development of nondispatchable Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Power (WP).
As is well known, one of the tasks of the TSO, both in the definition of the development plansof the transmission network and in the implementation of the operational planning proceduresfor the secure system operation, is to allow full and effective integration of renewable sources.With this the need to achieve the objectives of sustainability and affordability set for theelectricity sector in the perspective of 2020, as well as ensuring, even in face of uncertaintiesrelated to the availability of non dispatchable sources, includes the maintenance of adequatestandards of system reliability, in terms of both security and adequacy (specific object of theanalysis carried out within the Advance Dispatching environment).All these are new issuesfor TSO’s around the world place us against emerging issues, forcing forward new solutions .