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Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Verifiche Strutturali, Idrogeologiche e sismiche
La società ISMES, del gruppo CESI, offre da oltre cinquant’anni servizi dedicati al settore idroelettrico, occupandosi del monitoraggio e delle verifiche strutturali, idrogeologiche e sismiche di diverse tipologie strutture quali: centrali idroelettriche con serbatoi, dighe, sbarramenti, canali, gallerie, pozzi, condotte forzate e centrali elettriche ad accumulo di pompaggio. CESI offre ogni servizio necessario alla verifica […]
Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Le dighe sono opere essenziali per lo sviluppo di un paese, sia per la produzione di energia elettrica sia per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, grazie all’utilizzo dello sbarramento come bacino di accumulo di acqua per consentirne lo sfruttamento per l’irrigazione. Dighe e Bacini idrici – Centrali ad acqua fluente Esistono varie tipologie di dighe, realizzate con […]
Verifiche Strutturali, Idrogeologiche e sismiche
Verifiche strutturali statiche e dinamiche
Le verifiche strutturali sono un insieme di analisi e ispezioni effettuate su un edificio o su una struttura per assicurarsi che questi siano sicuri e in grado di sopportare le sollecitazioni a cui sono sottoposti. Le verifiche strutturali possono essere suddivise in due tipi principali: statiche e dinamiche. Ognuna di queste si concentra su aspetti […]
Technical papers
Saudi Arabia Central-West HVDC Project
​A long distance HVDC transmission link between Central Operating Area and Western Operating Area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was planned and designed and it is currently under development. This 770 km long point-to-point link consists of two LCC type converter stations and it is embedded in a powerful AC network, where the two […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Allo scopo di assicurare il corretto funzionamento di tutti i componenti del Sistema di monitoraggio è essenziale la verifica periodica dello stato di funzionamento degli stessi cosi come fornire interventi di manutenzione sia di tipo ordinario che straordinario. L’approccio di ISMES Benefici attesi Metodologia e strumenti
Servizi di consulenza
Studi strutturali di Ingegneria Civile
ISMES, società appartenente al Gruppo CESI, dispone di un pool di tecnici con una lunga esperienza nell’analisi strutturale nel campo dell’ingegneria civile. Le nostre competenze ci permettono di studiare e supervisionare il comportamento e la sicurezza delle infrastrutture (impianti, manufatti civili, opere d’arte viarie, monumenti storici). Studi strutturali di ingegneria civile, dighe e sistemi di monitoraggio […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Servizi per il Monitoraggio di Opere d’Arte e per il Rischio Idrogeologico
CESI conference on hydro basins
​On April 7th, CESI together with ITCOLD, the Italian National Committee for Large Dams, held at its Auditorium in Milan a conference on the new regulations and requirements related to the management of the Italian hydro reservoirs. In particular, the event has been focalized on two working groups. The first one was on “Silting up […]
​Milano, 31 Agosto 2018Il Gruppo CESI, profondamente colpito dal tragico crollo del Ponte Morandi,  si stringe intorno alle famiglie delle vittime e alla città di Genova esprimendo il suo più sentito cordoglio. Dal 2015 al 2016, CESI attraverso ISMES ha realizzato sul Ponte Morandi di Genova attività di consulenza specialistica per Autostrade per l’Italia (ASPI).ISMES […]
Technical papers
Small Dams in Italy
Aim of the Working Group activated by the Italian Committee of Large Dams is to review and discuss the current situation of the “Small Dams” in Italy. Regulatory supervision of “Small Dams” (height <15 m and reservoir volume <1.000.000 m3) is carried out by Regional Authorities on the base of local regulations and guidelines, with […]
Press release
CESI Middle East Wins SEC Mandate
​Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: 13 November 2012-CESI Middle East, a market leader in power systems technical consulting and testing, signed today a contract with the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) to develop detailed technical specifications for a High Voltage Direct Current (hvdc) power transmission interconnector between Riyadh and Mecca covering the central and western regions in the […]
​Muscat, October 31, 2018 – CESI is protagonist of the live operation of a centrally implemented Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) project in Oman, commissioned by Nama Group. The AMR system is a central standard smart metering system that will enable electricity companies to obtain accurate, hourly meter readings from high value customers and collect their […]
Technical papers
Voltage and angle stability monitoring: possible approaches in the framework of a framework of a wide area measurement system (WAMS)
One major item of TERNA Defence Plan consists in the realisation of a Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS), equipped with Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), to provide advanced monitoring tools and facilities. A decisive aspect of WAMS project is the development of monitoring functions for effective support to the operator, especially against system dynamics possibly leading […]
CESI at FOREN 2012
The Romanian WEC (World Energy Council) National Committee has organized together with the WEC London Central Office the “ Central and Eastern Europe Energy Forum” – FOREN 2012, 11th edition, held in Neptun from June 17 to 21 June 2012 with the participation of about 800 delegates. The main sessions have dealt with: A. Regional […]
Milan, September 23, 2019 – CESI CEO Matteo Codazzi attended the latest edition of the Italian Energy Summit, organized by Il Sole 24 Ore to discuss about sustainability, efficiency and innovation. In particular, Codazzi focused on the topic of mobility, that has a huge impact on the environment. In fact, he underlined that around 30% […]
Situated just 15km east of Prague’s vibrant city center, KEMA Labs Prague is a cornerstone in the Czech Republic’s electrical testing landscape. Established in 1953 under the auspices of the Czech Technical University’s Research Institute, this laboratory has grown to become a specialist in testing across a broad spectrum, including low-voltage, medium-voltage, and both high […]
Technical papers
Intégration massive des énergies renouvelables dans le système électrique Algérien
Intégration massive des énergies renouvelables dans le système électrique Algérien: Facteurs d’intégration et méthodologie d’évaluation​ Dans le cadre d’une transition énergétique visant la diversification des ressources, l’Algérie a prévu un développement significatif des énergies renouvelables. L’objectif est de satisfaire 27% de la demande en énergie électrique à l’horizon 2030 à partir d’énergies renouvelables. Pour atteindre […]
​The testing sector plays a fundamental part of the electricity sector and is undergoing a deep transformation thanks to innovation and technology. But the watchword is “safety”. In fact, electricity products must guaranteesafe operating standards and even more governments and agencies have developed rigorous requirements for electrical products that are sold world-wide. That’s where testing […]
Technical papers
Campotosto Dams, an experience of the importance of back analysis for the evaluation of geotechnical properties
This paper contains the results of the back analysis performed after the earthquake of April 2009 (L’Aquila Central Italy) on the Rio Fucino gravity dam (reservoir of Campotosto, L’Aquila).The elaboration of the back analysis made it possible to estimate the shear strength at the contact surface between the dam and the rock foundation and the […]
CESI at the RES4MED Conference
​CESI is pleased to announce its participation to the RES4MED Conference at SOLAREXPO that will be held in Milan on May 9th, 2013. Comprehensive national RE plans and institutional and industrial initiatives are engaged in deploying green electricity within an integrated energy market . One year after its launch, RES4MED gathers in Milan key stakeholders […]