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Technical papers
Proving reliability of High Voltage cable systems: AC and DC critical aspects
In a changing electrical market, driven by renewable energies, the target is to get wind or solar energy to the cons​umption centers. Nowadays Transmission System Operators (TSO) are worldwide searching for innovative solutions in developing the transmission grid and, as a result, it is likely that the application of extra high voltage AC and DC […]
CESI at Second Advanced Cable Middle East 2016
​The 2nd Advanced cable Middle East 2016 conference held in Dubai from February 2nd to February 3rd brought together about 100 senior representatives from leading companies and organizations internationally and regionally. Delegates took part in detailed debates investigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Middle East market. The conference proved to be […]
CESI’s Annual Report 2014 is now available
​Main 2014 Highlights:Revenues 112 million EurosEbitda 23.5 million EurosNet Profit 2 million Euros Despite some restructuring charges, in 2014 CESI achieved positive financial results: revenues and margins displayed marked growth compared to 2013. Within an Italian national context of enduring stagnation, CESI’s decision to invest in foreign markets both in Europe and in developing countries […]
Products Expertise
High and Medium Voltage Switchgear Assemblies and Switching Devices
Switchgears and control gears are important nodal points in modern power systems and it is vital that they work reliably . Our independent testing, to the highest internationally recognized standards, allows you to prove to grid operators that your circuit breakers deliver robust short-circuit performance for today’s networks. Kema Labs offers short-circuit testing and certification […]
CESI is honoured to announce that it’s been awarded with the prize “COMPANY TO WATCH 2012” by Cerved Group, an integrated and global Information Company, leader in data bank business. The prestigious recognition “Company to Watch 2012” is assigned to a company that reaches a sales performance above the industry average and a good level […]
Products Expertise
Cables and Accessories
The increasing global demand for electricity in both industrialized and emerging markets is driving demand for cables systems. We carry out type tests to verify the design of LV, MV and HV cables and their accessories. Type testing allows you to prove that your cables and cable accessories meet the highest quality standards to deliver […]
EJ: February’s issue is now available
​This new issue of our Energy Journal deals with a crucial topic: tumultuous development in big cities and how to manage their energy consumption. According to estimates, fifty years from now 70% of the world’s population will live in large urban centers. Extremely high levels of population density and energy consumption will represent the true […]
Ispezione di prodotto, certificazione e formazione
Certificazione di prodotto e servizi di ispezione
La crescente domanda di energia elettrica richiede alle utility di disporre di solide reti di trasmissione e distribuzione, sia per garantirne l’affidabilità che per ridurne i costi operativi. Le utility devono quindi accertarsi che le loro apparecchiature elettriche siano robuste e affidabili. Kema Labs 1  offre servizi di valutazione della conformità ben supportati dalle sinergie […]
Technical papers
PD optical fibre
Progress in optical PD detection for translucent and transparent HV cable accessories with improved fluorescent optical fibresIn a previous paper we introduced sensitive and interference-immune optical PD measurements on HV cable accessories and presented first results. Since then, our investigations tried to cover all important aspects that lead to further improved sensitivity for optical PD […]
Operation Optimization
Grid code compliance
As the power system decarbonizes, balancing services will have to evolve as well, starting with frequency and voltage control. Every power plant must prove its compliance to the grid code requirements, running specific tests when it is commissioned and upgraded and on a regular basis thereafter. With our deep experience of grid code requirements and […]
​The energy consumption’ growth rates in the Gulf countries are among the highest on the planet. They are driven by activities that are highly energy-dependent like water desalination. The region needs efficient renewable energy facilities for covering an increasingly large portion of energy demand. We deepened the topic on our magazine, The Energy Journal, and […]
EuroAsia InterConnector
NICOSIA, Dec. 18, 2015 – The EuroAsia InterConnector, the 1,518 km subsea power cable connecting the Israeli, Greek and Cypriot power grids to continental Europe, entered its final stage on Friday, with the project promoter awarding three studies that will lead to implementation and commissioning. The EuroAsia InterConnector officially awarded the three studies to two […]
Press release
CESI acquires an important project in Uzbekistan
​ CESI wins an international tender among more than 20 consultancy firms CESI has been selected by Uzbekenergo as technical advisor for the development of a Smart Metering installation project in Uzbekistan. The metering infrastructure, financed by the Asian Development Bank, forecasts 1 million smart meters as a first step of installation at households and […]
Technical papers
Advanced Operation of the High Voltage System Highlights from the Italian Plan for System Security,Advanced Operation of the High Voltage System Highlights from the Italian Plan for System Security
The Italian Plan for System Security (IPSS) is a coordinated actions program devoted to revise and possibly improve practices and systems used for the Italian Transmission System Operation. The IPSS is lastly introducing modern operating solutions which are parts of both the Smart Grid for Transmission paradigms and the ENTSO-E research emerging initiatives. As known, […]
Technical papers
On the way to compare the polarity reversal withstand capability of HVDC mass-impregnated and extruded cable systems
​The reversal of voltage polarity is essential in HVDC cablesystems with Current Source Converters (CSC), since it enables to revert the direction of the power flow. Mass Impregnated Non-Draining (MIND) cables are known tobe able to withstand the voltage polarity reversal without particular problems. TERNA, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO), has introduced since many […]
Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Le dighe sono opere essenziali per lo sviluppo di un paese, sia per la produzione di energia elettrica sia per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, grazie all’utilizzo dello sbarramento come bacino di accumulo di acqua per consentirne lo sfruttamento per l’irrigazione. Dighe e Bacini idrici – Centrali ad acqua fluente Esistono varie tipologie di dighe, realizzate con […]
CESI at first Cable Middle East 2015 – Abu Dhabi (UAE)
​1st Advanced cable Middle East 2015 conference brought together over 110 senior representatives from leading companies and organizations Internationally and regionally. Delegates took part in detailed debates investigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Middle East market. The conference proved to be an excellent forum for discussion and knowledge sharing as well […]
HV tests for on-site cable diagnostic
Energy utilities need on-site AC high-voltage acceptance tests on their cable systems and switchgear, in order to ensure the quality of their transmission systems; such tests need to be performed on site with special equipment as well as remarkable measurement technology and diagnosis at voltages of up to 500 kV. Complete acceptance tests such as […]
Testing Labs
Explosion Proof Test Laboratories
International standards require electrical and non-electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas to prove it can withstand particular external events such as explosions, spark ignition, extreme heat and high impacts. To test these capabilities, you need special laboratories that can simulate such extreme conditions. KEMA Labs offers a wide range of testing services for electrical and […]
HP Labs drive national grids into the future
​ Since the second industrial revolution, the industry development has been strictly dependent from the availability of electric power and the reliability of the electric generation and distribution infrastructure. The reliability of an electric network could be seen as the combined reliability of its power components; since many decades, third party laboratories are trusted institutions […]