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studi dissesto idrogeologico

Infrastrutture Civili
Infrastrutture di trasporto Le infrastrutture di trasporto rivestono un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo e la crescita economica di ogni paese, permettendo lo spostamento e lo scambio sia di merci sia di persone fra regioni e paesi limitrofi. In Italia la maggior parte di queste opere sono state sviluppate a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. A […]
Dissesto Idrogeologico: Forum 2016
Le infrastrutture come telaio diagnostico per monitorare il territorio Giovedì 26 maggio – ore 9.30Associazione Civita – Sala Gianfranco Imperatori Piazza Venezia 11,Roma Il Forum sarà occasione di confronto sullo stato delle grandi infrastrutture in Italia e sul tema dell’internet of things, come “telaio diagnostico” per monitorare le vulnerabilità idrogeologiche del territorio, trasmettere informazioni da gestire in […]
Ottimizzazione delle operazioni
Sistemi di monitoraggio per infrastrutture
Le infrastrutture giocano un ruolo vitale nella società moderna, facilitando la mobilità delle persone e delle merci e contribuendo alla crescita economica. Tuttavia, il monitoraggio e la manutenzione di tali infrastrutture sono diventati una sfida cruciale, soprattutto in paesi con un’alta esposizione a rischi naturali e con opere che risalgono a molti anni fa. ISMES, […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Valutazione analisi Rischio idrogeologico
Valutazione ed analisi del rischio idrogeologico relativo a strutture strategiche e/o ad infrastrutture (autostrade, ponti, elettrodotti).La valutazione del rischio viene condotta considerando l’interazione tra le tre componenti che definiscono il rischio stesso: la pericolosità, la vulnerabilità e l’esposizione. L’approccio di ISMES L’approccio sta nel valutare e quantificare le tre componenti che definiscono il rischio così […]
Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Verifiche Strutturali, Idrogeologiche e sismiche
La società ISMES, del gruppo CESI, offre da oltre cinquant’anni servizi dedicati al settore idroelettrico, occupandosi del monitoraggio e delle verifiche strutturali, idrogeologiche e sismiche di diverse tipologie strutture quali: centrali idroelettriche con serbatoi, dighe, sbarramenti, canali, gallerie, pozzi, condotte forzate e centrali elettriche ad accumulo di pompaggio. CESI offre ogni servizio necessario alla verifica […]
Advisory services
Operational studies
The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is introducing new challenges in terms of managing transmission and distribution networks while guaranteeing the security and resilience of the system: the generation mix is undergoing an evolution (in some cases a revolution), with more distributed generation coming onto the system, more alternative energy storage capacity being added, and […]
Servizi di consulenza
Studi strutturali di Ingegneria Civile
ISMES, società appartenente al Gruppo CESI, dispone di un pool di tecnici con una lunga esperienza nell’analisi strutturale nel campo dell’ingegneria civile. Le nostre competenze ci permettono di studiare e supervisionare il comportamento e la sicurezza delle infrastrutture (impianti, manufatti civili, opere d’arte viarie, monumenti storici). Studi strutturali di ingegneria civile, dighe e sistemi di monitoraggio […]
​ CESI has conducted a study about marine power cables laid in valuable environmental areas, in particular crossing Posidonia oceanica meadows. The study deals with different submarine interconnections laid on seagrass meadows, from 1970 to now. The results made possible to associate every case study and protection technique to the best mitigation measures related to […]
Civil Engineering
Feasibility studies
ISMES has a wide range of expertise in feasibility studies in all branches of Civil Engineering: ISMES carries out feasibility studies for civil infrastructure (such as roads, highways, railways, etc.) as well as for Power infrastructures (HydroPower Dams, RES power plants, Power interconnections, HV Substations..). These studies define the main aspects of civil engineering works […]
Studies & Permitting
Environmental studies
CESI has long experience in environmental studies and permitting issues. We oversee complex projects, identifying site-specific constraints and assessing technology alternatives and their environmental impacts. This includes pre-operation evaluations of potential impacts, the mitigation required and infrastructure monitoring. We work with clients during the entire authorization process, drawing on our extensive experience of environmental and […]
Studies & Permitting
Sustainability studies
CESI has long experience in sustainability services. We help our clients to improve their sustainability and develop circular businesses, integrate sustainability into their business and create additional value for the company. Our teams have extensive experience of developing and implementing strategies, models and processes to help companies achieve sustainability goals. Our sustainability services include:
Advisory services
Planning studies
The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is affecting them in a variety of ways, including: a (r)evolution in the generation mix, the rise of distributed generation, the deployment of energy storage capacity, enhanced interconnections between countries and more integrated power markets. In addition, the electrification of sectors that still rely on fossil fuels is changing […]
Med-TSO market studies
CESI has been awarded a contract by Med-TSO through an international call for tender. It is the first integrated Euro-Mediterranean market study proposed by the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators. The Euro-Mediterranean Region share the European necessity to enhance the coordination of  the development plans and  the electric grids operation  in order  to achieve  the benefits […]
Environment (Consulting)
Studies & Permitting
Renewables: a study by CESI and WEC
​Renewables, including hydro, now account for over 30% of the total global installed power generation capacity and 23% of total global electricity production. In the past 10 years, wind and solar PV have witnessed an explosive average annual growth of 23% and 50% respectively, although their combined contribution to the global electricity supply is currently […]
Advisory services
Regulatory & Market studies
As the power sector evolves, it will require substantial investment. electricity generators need to base their investment strategies on their expected revenues. It is vitally important for them to predict their competitive positioning across all markets: from forward markets to real time balancing. Price scenarios need to be estimated considering both renewable generating units, which […]
Environmental Site assessment & Feasibility Studies
Environmental impact assessments, including soil and groundwater investigation, are often mandatory, for example in response to a spill or when the site is part of larger Sites of National Concern. In other cases, Environmental impact assessment is required for contractual reasons (e.g. before the purchase or sale of a site) or where it is necessary […]
CESI – WEC study on variable renewables
Integration of variable renewables: achievements, challenges and solutions. A report by CESI and WEC The Report ‘Variable Renewables Integration in Electricity Systems 2016 – How to get it right’ is published by the World Energy Council in partnership with Project Supporter and the Council’s Global Partner, CESI S.p.A. The report draws upon 32 country case […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Servizi per il Monitoraggio di Opere d’Arte e per il Rischio Idrogeologico