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supporto realizzazione opere infrastrutturali

Servizi di consulenza
Studi strutturali di Ingegneria Civile
ISMES, società appartenente al Gruppo CESI, dispone di un pool di tecnici con una lunga esperienza nell’analisi strutturale nel campo dell’ingegneria civile. Le nostre competenze ci permettono di studiare e supervisionare il comportamento e la sicurezza delle infrastrutture (impianti, manufatti civili, opere d’arte viarie, monumenti storici). Studi strutturali di ingegneria civile, dighe e sistemi di monitoraggio […]
Progettazione e realizzazione sistemi di monitoraggio
L’analisi del rischio e la protezione delle infrastrutture richiedono la coniugazione di competenze multidisciplinari e l’adozione di tecnologie innovative. In questo ambito, ISMES rappresenta un punto di riferimento grazie all’esperienza acquisita e all’approccio personalizzato ai servizi di monitoraggio. Progettazione e realizzazione di sistemi di monitoraggio, l’approccio di ISMES L’approccio di ISMES si distingue per tre […]
Infrastrutture Civili
Infrastrutture di trasporto Le infrastrutture di trasporto rivestono un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo e la crescita economica di ogni paese, permettendo lo spostamento e lo scambio sia di merci sia di persone fra regioni e paesi limitrofi. In Italia la maggior parte di queste opere sono state sviluppate a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. A […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Analisi rischio sismico del territorio e delle infrastrutture
Tutto il territorio nazionale è ormai classificato come sismico. Ne consegue che ogni struttura o infrastruttura esistente o di futura realizzazione, deve poter resistere al terremoto senza riportare danni strutturali. La valutazione del rischio viene condotta considerando l’interazione tra le tre componenti che definiscono il rischio stesso: la pericolosità, la vulnerabilità e l’esposizione. L’approccio di […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Modelli Previsionali del Degrado Strutturale delle Opere d’Arte
Sviluppo di modelli previsionali del degrado strutturale delle opere d’arte per la predisposizione di piani di manutenzione pluriennali. L’approccio di ISMES Benefici attesi Metodologia e strumenti
Ottimizzazione delle operazioni
Sistemi di monitoraggio per infrastrutture
Le infrastrutture giocano un ruolo vitale nella società moderna, facilitando la mobilità delle persone e delle merci e contribuendo alla crescita economica. Tuttavia, il monitoraggio e la manutenzione di tali infrastrutture sono diventati una sfida cruciale, soprattutto in paesi con un’alta esposizione a rischi naturali e con opere che risalgono a molti anni fa. ISMES, […]
Low Voltage Laboratories
IEC 61850
IEC 61850 is an international standard that defines communication protocols for intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in substations and electrical automation systems. It enables seamless data exchange between different devices, improving the interoperability and reliability of substation automation systems. The standard covers various communication requirements, ensuring that systems are resilient and can handle critical operations in […]
DEWA signs agreement with CESI Middle East
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has signed a contract with CESI Middle East to work with DEWA’s Transmission Operation Department to ensure readiness of Dubai’s transmission and distribution network for the increase in renewable energy percentage, according to the highest international standards and best practices. CESI will support DEWA’s efforts to enhance transmission and […]
Transmission & Distribution
SCADA and Control Centers
CESI has vast experience in supporting the implementation of full scale state-of-the-art SCADA, EMS and telecommunication systems that safely and reliably monitor and manage electrical networks and energy exchanges in interconnection systems. We have built up this experience over many years in Italy and around the world, acting as technical consultants to Transmission System Operators […]
About us
CESI | Gulf Electrical Power Laboratories (CESI | GEPL) – a joint venture between CESI S.p.A and GCCETL –  establishes state-of-the-art electrical testing facilities in Saudi Arabia. Located in Dammam, it performs a wide range of electromechanical testing activities and provides technical services according to the highest international standards. In particular, CESI | GEPL provides […]
Storage & E-mobility
Virtual Power Plants and Aggregators
A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is a network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units such as wind farms, solar parks, and combined heat and power (CHP) units, as well as flexible power resources such as EVs, controllable loads and storage systems. The interconnected units are dispatched through the network operation center of the Virtual Power […]
CESI offers the following services related to the final step of the remediation process: supervision and execution of remediation interventions: Support for remediation operations onsite (work supervision, project management) Construction management, process definition and program implementation Design and execution of safety and environmental emergency safeguards Cost control and project budgeting Material quality control, including testing
Operation Optimization
Grid code compliance
As the power system decarbonizes, balancing services will have to evolve as well, starting with frequency and voltage control. Every power plant must prove its compliance to the grid code requirements, running specific tests when it is commissioned and upgraded and on a regular basis thereafter. With our deep experience of grid code requirements and […]
Studies & Permitting
CESI provides consultancy and support to clients from the early stages of their projects through to completion. By helping clients integrate environmental, social and cultural issues into the project planning process early on, we ensure they achieve their environmental objectives, avoid significant public concerns and delays to approval, and we enable them to save capital […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVDC Infrastructures
The number of interconnections between power networks in different countries, or inside a single country with wide geographical spread, is growing, highlighting the need for high voltage direct current (hvdc) technologies, which can carry power over long distances, undersea if necessary and enable the linking of asynchronous networks . CESI is one of the few […]
Low Voltage Laboratories
IEC 61992-4
IEC 61992-4 outlines requirements for measurement, control, and protection devices used in DC traction systems. This standard ensures these devices operate effectively to maintain system safety and performance. It is crucial for ensuring the reliable operation and safety of railway electrical systems by providing guidelines for the design, testing, and implementation of these devices. Key […]
Studies & Permitting
Environmental studies
CESI has long experience in environmental studies and permitting issues. We oversee complex projects, identifying site-specific constraints and assessing technology alternatives and their environmental impacts. This includes pre- operation evaluations of potential impacts, the mitigation required and infrastructure monitoring. We work with clients during the entire authorization process, drawing on our extensive experience of environmental […]
Transmission & Distribution
Grid Modernisation
Intelligence has been integral to electricity grids since their inception: supervision, control and protection have always been key activities for system operators . So, what’s different about the smart grid? Grids are becoming more complex for a variety of reasons, including the roll-out of distributed generation, changes in customer behavior (including the rise of the […]
​Milan, June 7, 2019 – CESI recently won a contract to support National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP)in implementing the Mindanao-Visayas Interconnection Project (MVIP). CESI will help NGCP conduct system studies, engineering, design verifications , testing, installation and commissioning of all the equipment, material and services required to render the HVDC converter stations at […]
Advisory services
Regulatory & Market studies
As the power sector evolves, it will require substantial investment. electricity generators need to base their investment strategies on their expected revenues. It is vitally important for them to predict their competitive positioning across all markets: from forward markets to real time balancing. Price scenarios need to be estimated considering both renewable generating units, which […]