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High Power Testing Laboratories
High-Power Testing Services
high-power Testing Services Kema Labs Laboratories provide high-power testing services which include short circuit, switching testing, and short-time current testing based on international and regional standards, to utilities and equipment manufacturers all over the world. Several high-power labs are available in different locations, with short circuit power starting from 2,000MVA up to 15,000 MVA three-phase, […]
Type Test of Energy Meter
In June 2020, new versions of the EN-IEC product standards for electricity meters, the EN-IEC 62052-11, EN-IEC 62053-21, -22, -23, and -24, were published. These second editions cancel and replace the first editions published in 2003, including their 2016 amendments. This edition constitutes a technical revision. In the 2020 versions, it is mentioned that the […]
Technical papers
Optimizing the electrical design of the Colombia-Panamá interconnection
​The interconnection between Colombia and Panamá has been the object, since 2003, of a series of feasibility studies, cooperation agreements and financing approaches for a project which is intended to be a great contributor to the electrical markets integration of the Andean and Central America regions. Both countries have confirmed their interest in developing a […]
Technical papers
The restoration strategies from neighbouring countries: simulation studies and actual tests experience
The paper describes the preparation and execution of Switzerland Italy re-energization test, managed on 2013, 6th January in order to continuously improve the restoration strategies to and ensure a constant assessment of ENTSO-E Operation Handbook (policy 5) procedures. The paper firstly summarizes the main results of the theoretical investigations on different neighbour backbones. Secondly the […]
Technical papers
Market integration and storage resources optimization to mitigate the risks of “over-generation” from non-programmable RES: the Italian prospective
​Italy has witnessed a very massive penetration of photovoltaic and wind generation in the recent years. The largest share of wind plants is connected to the transmission grid and the total power installed exceeded 8.5 GW at the end of 2013. Photovoltaic plants are generally connected to the distribution grid and at the end of […]