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laboratorio prove in situ

Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Le dighe sono opere essenziali per lo sviluppo di un paese, sia per la produzione di energia elettrica sia per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, grazie all’utilizzo dello sbarramento come bacino di accumulo di acqua per consentirne lo sfruttamento per l’irrigazione. Dighe e Bacini idrici – Centrali ad acqua fluente Esistono varie tipologie di dighe, realizzate con […]
Ispezione di prodotto, certificazione e formazione
Certificazione di prodotto e servizi di ispezione
La crescente domanda di energia elettrica richiede alle utility di disporre di solide reti di trasmissione e distribuzione, sia per garantirne l’affidabilità che per ridurne i costi operativi. Le utility devono quindi accertarsi che le loro apparecchiature elettriche siano robuste e affidabili. Kema Labs 1  offre servizi di valutazione della conformità ben supportati dalle sinergie […]
Infrastrutture Civili
Infrastrutture di trasporto Le infrastrutture di trasporto rivestono un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo e la crescita economica di ogni paese, permettendo lo spostamento e lo scambio sia di merci sia di persone fra regioni e paesi limitrofi. In Italia la maggior parte di queste opere sono state sviluppate a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. A […]
Products Expertise
High and Medium Voltage Switchgear Assemblies and Switching Devices
Switchgears and control gears are important nodal points in modern power systems and it is vital that they work reliably . Our independent testing, to the highest internationally recognized standards, allows you to prove to grid operators that your circuit breakers deliver robust short-circuit performance for today’s networks. Kema Labs offers short-circuit testing and certification […]
HV tests for on-site cable diagnostic
Energy utilities need on- site AC high-voltage acceptance tests on their cable systems and switchgear, in order to ensure the quality of their transmission systems; such tests need to be performed on site with special equipment as well as remarkable measurement technology and diagnosis at voltages of up to 500 kV. Complete acceptance tests such […]
Natural hazards
Hydrology and Meteorology
ISMES has extensive experience in monitoring hydrological and meteorological data to prevent avalanches or to provide advance warning and prevent damage to structures or disruption to users. ISMES offers the following services:
Products Expertise
Power transformers are key components in power production, transmission and distribution, interconnecting systems that have different rated voltages, from power plants to final users . KEMA LABS tests power and distribution transformers up to the highest power and highest voltage ratings in use today. We test transformers to standards such as IEC 60076 (oil-filled), IEC […]
The Mannheim laboratories are located in the south east of the city between the Neckar and Rhein rivers in one of the largest green areas in Baden-Württemberg. The labs’ history dates back to 1956, when the high voltage testing laboratory and the modern high power test laboratories were built. The site also boasts cutting-edge facilities […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Servizi per il Monitoraggio di Opere d’Arte e per il Rischio Idrogeologico
HP Labs drive national grids into the future
​ Since the second industrial revolution, the industry development has been strictly dependent from the availability of electric power and the reliability of the electric generation and distribution infrastructure. The reliability of an electric network could be seen as the combined reliability of its power components; since many decades, third party laboratories are trusted institutions […]
Soil & Groundwater
In the mining sector, CESI offers consulting and design services for major multinational mining companies, especially the design of remediation interventions and the execution of pre-design studies. Our services include:
About us
KEMA Labs is world renowned Testing, Inspections & Certification organization. Located at several sites across the globe, we combine traditional with state-of-the-art gear to ensure every kind of grid equipment, from medium- to ultra high-voltage , can be tested, satisfying today’s increasingly demanding criteria for performance and safety . Brief history 1927      KEMA is founded […]
CESI at first Cable Middle East 2015 – Abu Dhabi (UAE)
​1st Advanced cable Middle East 2015 conference brought together over 110 senior representatives from leading companies and organizations Internationally and regionally. Delegates took part in detailed debates investigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Middle East market. The conference proved to be an excellent forum for discussion and knowledge sharing as well […]
Engineering Consulting
Construction & Commissioning Supervision
CESI has decades of experience in managing complex projects with multiple contractors where the manufacturing, supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of the system must be carried out in accordance with contractual conditions, design documents, applicable codes, standards, time scheduling and other contract requirements . Whether the development concerns power plants, industrial plants, testing laboratories , […]
Technical papers
Ferroresonance in Inductive Voltage Transformers Or Power Voltage Transformers: analysis, laboratory tests and solutions
A ferroresonance analysis related to HV Inductive Voltage Transformers (IVT) and power Voltage Transformers or Station Service Transformers (PVT/SST) was addressed to develop models based on EMT formulation, enabling detailed ferroresonance risk analyses in specific HV station conditions and helping in the equipment technical specifications (including anti-ferroresonance remedial provisions). The research relied on a comparison […]
Technical papers
Technical design requirements and test experiences on Composite Hollow Core Insulators regarding pollution performance under AC and DC stress
This paper is a common approach of manufacturers of insulators, electrical equipment, transmission system and test labs to verify the expected behaviour in laboratory and outdoor tests. For the electrical design of composite insulators, different material properties and shed profiles for AC and DC conditions have to be taken into account respectively, considering the recommendations […]
Testing Labs
Explosion Proof Test Laboratories
International standards require electrical and non-electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas to prove it can withstand particular external events such as explosions, spark ignition, extreme heat and high impacts. To test these capabilities, you need special laboratories that can simulate such extreme conditions. KEMA Labs offers a wide range of testing services for electrical and […]
CESI | GEPL starts in the Middle East
Today marks the beginning of Gulf Electrical Power Laboratories (CESI | GEPL) Today marks the commencement of Gulf Electrical Power Laboratories (CESI|GEPL) operations in the Middle East. Our joint venture with GCC Electrical Testing Laboratory was conceived as a call to stricter specifications of power components compliant to the highest international standards. This state-of-the-art electromechanical testing […]
About us
CESI | Gulf Electrical Power Laboratories (CESI | GEPL) – a joint venture between CESI S.p.A and GCCETL –  establishes state-of-the-art electrical testing facilities in Saudi Arabia. Located in Dammam, it performs a wide range of electromechanical testing activities and provides technical services according to the highest international standards. In particular, CESI | GEPL provides […]
Testing Labs
Protection & Substation Automation Laboratories
The ongoing energy transition requires digitalization with intelligent electronic devices for measurement, protection, and control in power systems. Consequently, larger and smarter grids demand more communication between grid components, as ensuring that energy flows are correctly monitored, protected and controlled is vital to delivering a stable and reliable electricity supply. We offer independent type testing and certification of […]