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Technical papers
HVDC link Sardinia Island
The essential characteristics and the steps followed in the realization process of the new ±500 kV 1000MW HVDC link Sardinia Island – Italian Peninsula (SAPEI), whose completion was achieved at theend of 2010, are presented in this paper. Notwithstanding the growing application of HVDC links around the world and the acquiredexperience in the area of […]
Technical papers
An Integrated Solution for the Advance Dispatching
​The transparency needs and the market opportunities arising from the liberalization of theenergy sector often require Transmission System Operators to review some establishedpractices, by means of which quality, safety and efficiency of the power system operationhave been assured for years. This article describes a solution for the very short term optimaldispatching (also named “Advance Dispatching” […]