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High Power Testing Laboratories
High-Power Testing Services
high-power Testing Services Kema Labs Laboratories provide high-power testing services which include short circuit, switching testing, and short-time current testing based on international and regional standards, to utilities and equipment manufacturers all over the world. Several high-power labs are available in different locations, with short circuit power starting from 2,000MVA up to 15,000 MVA three-phase, […]
Type Test of Energy Meter
In June 2020, new versions of the EN-IEC product standards for electricity meters, the EN-IEC 62052-11, EN-IEC 62053-21, -22, -23, and -24, were published. These second editions cancel and replace the first editions published in 2003, including their 2016 amendments. This edition constitutes a technical revision. In the 2020 versions, it is mentioned that the […]