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vulnerabilita sismica dighe

Power generation plants
Building power plants and running them sustainably requires detailed monitoring campaigns to assess the  health of the main environmental indicators. CESI has the experience and skills necessary to investigate the various environmental sectors affected in the different stages of the life cycle of generation plants. Hydroelectric plants: Thermoelectric plants Offshore wind plants (cable connection)
Natural hazards
Seismic risk
All of Italy is classified as seismically active. Therefore, every piece of infrastructure, new and existing, has to deal with seismic risk. ISMES has extensive experience in se ismic risk assessment of dams, buildings and other structures. ISMES uses both linear and non-linear 2D and 3D models to evaluate the seismic behavior of concrete (arch […]
Water Infrastructure
Dam Monitoring and Dam Inspections
Hydropower is a type of renewable energy derived from flowing water. There are two different types of hydropower plant – those with dams and reservoirs, or ‘run of river’ systems. Hydropower dams with large reservoirs can store water over short or long periods to meet peak demand. Run of river facilities produce power at a smaller […]
Civil Engineering
Preliminary/final/detailed design
Following a feasibility study, ISMES can develop the preliminary design of the works, the final design and the detailed design. ISMES design activities deal with: