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verifiche di rigidezza ntc 2018

Testing Labs
Climatic Chambers
Particular environmental conditions can significantly affect the behaviour of electrical equipment, generally reducing its capability. Kema Labs has more than 20 climatic chambers of different sizes, from 0.3 m 3  up to 31 m 3 , as well as two thermal chambers of 400 m 3  and 750 m 3  where ice tests on transformers […]
Testing Labs
High Voltage Direct Current Laboratories
HVDC power transmission is becoming increasingly important as great amounts of energy generated by remote renewable energy sources have to be transported over large distances, and, its share grows rapidly. If transmission lines fail, it leads to huge outage costs that can seriously affect project cash flows. As a result, system operators and manufacturers are […]
Testing Labs
Prequalification Test Bays
Utilities want high-quality products that minimize the risk of failures in their networks. Prequalification testing of high-voltage power cable systems demonstrates that cables are reliable for long-term use under normal operating conditions. KEMA Labs, with more than 20 dedicated and independent prequalification test bays, is the global leader for high voltage testing for AC and […]
Testing Labs
Transformer Test Laboratories
Kema Labs can test all kinds of transformers from distribution to power transmission. We have the world’s most powerful test laboratories for transformer testing , which has one of the highest levels of short circuit power on the European transmission grid . Each of our laboratories is equipped to deliver sufficient power for the most […]