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transformer power factor testing

Technical papers
Ferroresonance in Inductive Voltage Transformers Or Power Voltage Transformers: analysis, laboratory tests and solutions
A ferroresonance analysis related to HV Inductive Voltage Transformers (IVT) and power Voltage Transformers or Station Service Transformers (PVT/SST) was addressed to develop models based on EMT formulation, enabling detailed ferroresonance risk analyses in specific HV station conditions and helping in the equipment technical specifications (including anti-ferroresonance remedial provisions). The research relied on a comparison […]
Product Inspections, Certification & Training
Product Certification & Inspection Services
The growing demand for electricity requires utilities to have solid transmission and distribution networks, both to ensure reliability and to reduce operation costs. Utilities need to be sure that their electrical equipment is robust and  reliable . Kema Labs 1  benefits from synergies between its laboratory testing and onsite inspections, as well as a wider […]
Low Voltage Laboratories
IEC 61439-2, IEC 61439-6, IEC 61643-11, IEC 61921, IEC/TR 61641
Adhering to international standards ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of electrical systems in electrical engineering. The standards IEC 61439-2, IEC 61439-6, IEC 61643-11, IEC 61921, and IEC/TR 61641 are crucial for various low-voltage applications. Each standard addresses specific electrical equipment and installation requirements, ensuring safe and effective operation. IEC 61439-2 IEC 61439-2 specifies requirements […]
Conventional PP, Industrial & Oil&gas
Conventional Power Plants
When planning conventional power plants, our clients put their trust in our experience across all planning activities, from conceptual development to site supervision, commissioning management, operation management including monitoring , right through to the decommissioning of the plant. Our deep knowledge of all factors , with specific experience in the main generation technologies (open and […]
Conventional PP, Industrial & Oil&gas
Industrial Plants
CESI has decades of experience working in industrial plants on environmental, safety, business continuity and energy issues. While environmental and safety regulations are determined by national and/or regional legislation, business continuity and optimization of energy costs are key factors in a company’s competitiveness. The efficient operation of production plants is strictly dependent on the reliability […]
Monitoring & Diagnostic
Companies face a growing list of environmental rules and regulations, both local and national, that they must comply with. CESI’s services include:
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen
Hydrogen has been used for more than a century in industrial processes including the chemicals sector, refining, thermal treatments, cooling of generators, as a propellant fuel and in the food industry. To date, hydrogen has been produced mainly through steam methane reforming of natural gas. To reach net-zero emissions requires decarbonised hydrogen production. This can […]
Technical papers
Maximum feasible penetration of non-programmable RES generation in power systems
​The large-scale development of renewable sources, with particular reference to wind, in the generation mix might introduce several problems for a secure management of the power system, due to a higher generation uncertainty, thus requiring careful investigations by the responsible for planning and the involved system operators. In this context, CESI has developed a thorough […]
Renewables: a study by CESI and WEC
​Renewables, including hydro, now account for over 30% of the total global installed power generation capacity and 23% of total global electricity production. In the past 10 years, wind and solar PV have witnessed an explosive average annual growth of 23% and 50% respectively, although their combined contribution to the global electricity supply is currently […]
Technical papers
Safety aspects of MV and HV underground cables and accessories in urban areas
The booming of renewable power stations (solar and wind mill mainly), the increase use of Interconnectors and submarine cables, the construction of urban substations in big cities with intense population and the need to avoid the use the overhead lines (right of way and so on), are the main factors leading to the increasing amount […]
Technical papers
Testing experiences on extruded cable systems up to 525kVdc in the first third party worldwide laboratory
The booming of renewable power stations (solar and wind mill mainly), the increase use of Interconnectors and submarine cables, the construction of urban substations in big cities with intense population and the need to avoid the use the overhead lines (right of way and so on), are the main factors leading to the increasing amount […]
ORP Potential can enhance flexibility
High operational flexibility (e.g. the ability of a power plant for fast start-up and to adjust load output as a function of changing of market requirement) is an essential pre-requisite to ensure economic success in a liberalized market . Plants under cycling duty are subjected to excursions of temperature, pressure, water flow rate, making very […]
Dam Safety for Hydropower Development
Hydropower projects can actively contribute to poverty reduction and life quality enhancement in local communities Hydropower is renewable because it draws its essential energy from the sun which drives the hydrologic cycle that, in turn, provides a continuous renewable supply of water. Hydropower accounts for more than 92 percent of all renewable energy generated and […]
Know-how: Italy is a step ahead
“The Italian power sector has many excellent features. Our CCGT power generation fleet is among the most efficient in the world; we set an example for a lot of other countries. We have installed 32 million electronic power meters, which is unprecedented globally speaking. Our service quality levels provide a European benchmark”. Matteo Codazzi, CEO […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
On-shore and Off-shore Wind
Wind energy will lead the way in the transformation of the global electricity sector. By 2050, there could be  more than 5,000 GW of installed wind capacity, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency [1], generating more than 35% of total electricity supply. The evolution of the wind industry has been rapid and remarkable, allowing […]
​ CESI is attending Aspenia Talks, the event organized by the Aspen Institute to launch the latest issue of Aspenia. CESI CEO Matteo Codazzi has written one of the magazine’s articles, exploring the topic of networks convergence as one of the main players for innovation and the future of the planet. There will be about […]
Smart Metering Laboratories
As of June 2020, updated editions of the EN-IEC electricity meter standards were released, namely EN-IEC 62052-11, EN-IEC 62053-21, -22, -23, and -24. These editions, supplanting those from 2003 and their amendments from 2016, represent significant technical updates. The IEC’s technical committee TC13 has advised that nations should implement the 2020 standard revisions within two […]
Type Test of Energy Meter
In June 2020, new versions of the EN-IEC product standards for electricity meters, the EN-IEC 62052-11, EN-IEC 62053-21, -22, -23, and -24, were published. These second editions cancel and replace the first editions published in 2003, including their 2016 amendments. This edition constitutes a technical revision. In the 2020 versions, it is mentioned that the […]
CESI – WEC study on variable renewables
Integration of variable renewables: achievements, challenges and solutions. A report by CESI and WEC The Report ‘Variable Renewables Integration in Electricity Systems 2016 – How to get it right’ is published by the World Energy Council in partnership with Project Supporter and the Council’s Global Partner, CESI S.p.A. The report draws upon 32 country case […]
System Adequacy and Market Modelling
The Electric power System has a very important role for the economic development and welfare and is at the heart of a sustainable way to use energy. It is the largest machine ever been engineered: in Italy 60 thousand kilometers of transmission power lines – one and half time the circumference of the Earth – […]