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Testing Labs
Explosion Proof Test Laboratories
International standards require electrical and non -electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas to prove it can withstand particular external events such as explosions, spark ignition, extreme heat and high impacts. To test these capabilities, you need special laboratories that can simulate such extreme conditions. KEMA Labs offers a wide range of testing services for electrical […]
Operation Optimization
Grid code compliance
As the power system decarbonizes, balancing services will have to evolve as well, starting with frequency and voltage control. Every power plant must prove its compliance to the grid code requirements, running specific tests when it is commissioned and upgraded and on a regular basis thereafter. With our deep experience of grid code requirements and […]
Ispezione di prodotto, certificazione e formazione
Certificazione di prodotto e servizi di ispezione
La crescente domanda di energia elettrica richiede alle utility di disporre di solide reti di trasmissione e distribuzione, sia per garantirne l’affidabilità che per ridurne i costi operativi. Le utility devono quindi accertarsi che le loro apparecchiature elettriche siano robuste e affidabili. Kema Labs 1  offre servizi di valutazione della conformità ben supportati dalle sinergie […]
Technical papers
On the way to compare the polarity reversal withstand capability of HVDC mass-impregnated and extruded cable systems
​The reversal of voltage polarity is essential in HVDC cablesystems with Current Source Converters (CSC), since it enables to revert the direction of the power flow. Mass Impregnated Non -Draining (MIND) cables are known tobe able to withstand the voltage polarity reversal without particular problems. TERNA, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO), has introduced since […]
Infrastrutture Civili
Infrastrutture di trasporto Le infrastrutture di trasporto rivestono un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo e la crescita economica di ogni paese, permettendo lo spostamento e lo scambio sia di merci sia di persone fra regioni e paesi limitrofi. In Italia la maggior parte di queste opere sono state sviluppate a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. A […]
CESI first testing center for Meters and More
CESI S.p.A., on June, 9th 2015, has been appointed from the METERS AND MORE Association as the first world-wide testing center for the compliance certification of equipments based on the SMITP (CENELEC) standard. METERS AND MORE is an international non -profit association based in Brussels with the goal of providing the industry with a proven […]
Technical papers
Ferroresonance in Inductive Voltage Transformers Or Power Voltage Transformers: analysis, laboratory tests and solutions
A ferroresonance analysis related to HV Inductive Voltage Transformers (IVT) and power Voltage Transformers or Station Service Transformers (PVT/SST) was addressed to develop models based on EMT formulation, enabling detailed ferroresonance risk analyses in specific HV station conditions and helping in the equipment technical specifications (including anti-ferroresonance remedial provisions). The research relied on a comparison […]
Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Le dighe sono opere essenziali per lo sviluppo di un paese, sia per la produzione di energia elettrica sia per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, grazie all’utilizzo dello sbarramento come bacino di accumulo di acqua per consentirne lo sfruttamento per l’irrigazione. Dighe e Bacini idrici – Centrali ad acqua fluente Esistono varie tipologie di dighe, realizzate con […]
About us
In the framework of the significant evolution that the Infrastructural sector is living, CESI Group has established ISMES as a company totally dedicated to civil and infrastructure engineering. Through ISMES, we offer effective solutions for a sustainable world to meet our clients’ needs. ISMES activities embrace the entire life cycle of complex infrastructures , supporting […]