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protection relay testing

Products Expertise
Measuring relays, and protection equipment
Measuring, protecting , controlling and maintaining electricity power networks in a smart grid world requires intelligent electronic devices (IED), such as smart energy meters , measuring relays , protection systems, control and automation devices. Protection relays may be called into action rarely or switch when they are not required. The consequences could be disastrous for […]
Technical papers
Issues related to spark discharges
In the general public environment, ambient power-frequency electric fields are relatively small, except when near high-voltage (HV) transmission lines. Electric fields from aerial HV transmission lines are greatest directly under the conductors and decrease with. In occupational environments, elevated electric fields also exist in HV substations/switchyards, and in particular under busbars/equipment. Other sources of power-frequency […]
KEMA Labs Arnhem stands at the forefront of power industry testing , delivering specialized services unparalleled in scope and precision. Our state-of-the-art High Power Lab is equipped with six 2100 MVA short-circuit generators, enabling extensive AC and DC testing capabilities. Complementing this, our High Voltage Lab excels in Dielectric testing , ensuring a comprehensive examination […]
Testing Labs
Protection & Substation Automation Laboratories
The ongoing energy transition requires digitalization with intelligent electronic devices for measurement, protection , and control in power systems. Consequently, larger and smarter grids demand more communication between grid components, as ensuring that energy flows are correctly monitored, protected and controlled is vital to delivering a stable and reliable electricity supply. We offer independent type testing and certification […]
CESI offers the following services related to the final step of the remediation process: supervision and execution of remediation interventions: Support for remediation operations onsite (work supervision, project management) Construction management, process definition and program implementation Design and execution of safety and environmental emergency safeguards Cost control and project budgeting Material quality control, including testing
​Milan, June 7, 2019 – CESI recently won a contract to support National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP)in implementing the Mindanao-Visayas Interconnection Project (MVIP). CESI will help NGCP conduct system studies, engineering, design verifications , testing , installation and commissioning of all the equipment, material and services required to render the HVDC converter stations […]
​Milan, March 4, 2019 – From tomorrow to March 7 CESI will attend the Middle East Electricity Exhibition in Dubai, focused on the breakthroughs in the generation, distribution, storage and use of power to meet domestic needs and international requirements. CESI will present its testing services to thousands of potential customers from across the Middle […]
Technical papers
Assessing the impact of transmission investments on the Italian Ancillary Services Market using MODIS simulator
The justification of transmission investments is becoming more complex and challenging with respect to the past decades since environmentally friendly solutions shall be adopted and the benefits for the society must be clearly highlighted and quantified. Clear and objective indicators of the benefits arising from transmission projects are playing a key role to foster the […]
Technical papers
Testing of elastomeric isolators for nuclear power plants
Nowadays, the design of nuclear power plants (NPP) is characterized by enhanced safety level. In particular, GEN III+ and GEN IV reactors have to be highly secure and designed to withstand extremely severe external events such as floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, plane crashes, fires and, in particular, earthquakes. Seismic isolation is considered the most promising technology […]
CESI has been selected as one of the contracted testing centers by the four German transmission companies to test both the reliability and safety of the three electricity corridors’ cable systems that will connect the significant wind potential of the North and Baltic Sea to the big cities and to the vast industrial complexes of […]
Innovation within hydrogeological instability
Torrential rains and downpours devastated Europe over the course of 2014. Recent studies demonstrate that these kinds of phenomena may double by 2050, for an estimated 23 billion euro in collateral damages. Prevention is of paramount importance in order to limit the social costs of these events, and must be planned in a strategic manner […]
Product Inspections, Certification & Training
Product Certification & Inspection Services
The growing demand for electricity requires utilities to have solid transmission and distribution networks, both to ensure reliability and to reduce operation costs. Utilities need to be sure that their electrical equipment is robust and  reliable . Kema Labs 1  benefits from synergies between its laboratory testing and onsite inspections, as well as a wider […]
About us
CESI Middle East FZE
CESI Middle East FZE, headquartered in Dubai UAE and with Branch and project offices all over the Gulf region, is a leading local technical consulting and engineering company with more than nine  years of localized experience providing testing and certification services to the electromechanical industry as well as consulting and engineering services to the energy […]
Privacy Policy
1 Introduction Cesi S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Cesi“), deems the protection of the personal data of its potential customers and/or users to be of fundamental importance, ensuring that the processing of personal data, carried out by any means, is done in full compliance with the safeguards and rights recognised by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of […]
System Adequacy and Market Modelling
The Electric power System has a very important role for the economic development and welfare and is at the heart of a sustainable way to use energy. It is the largest machine ever been engineered: in Italy 60 thousand kilometers of transmission power lines – one and half time the circumference of the Earth – […]
​Salvador, Brazil, May 20-23 2019 – CESI is attending the 32nd National Seminar on Large Dams and the 2nd International Symposium on Dams Safety. At booth number 13 CESI will present its services related to engineering and environment and, in particular, to Infrastructures monitoring ( dams , bridges etc.). The event is born to cover issues related to construction, […]
Waste & Wastewater
Geosynthetics and environmental geotechnology
Geosynthetics can be very helpful in a range of industrial applications, in particular those relating to the contamination of subsoils due to leakage of oil and other petroleum products from machinery, as well as to build more effective solutions for roofing and the waterproofing of industrial structures. CESI can help select the appropriate type of […]
​Milan, October 15, 2019 – CESI will attend the INMR World Congress in Tucson, the event focused on design, operation and inspection of overhead and underground power lines as well as substations. CESI will be present at the related Exhibition area with its Testing and Certification Delegates to show its innovative services related to TIC […]
Technical papers
Impact of CO2 Reduction Targets on Transmission Capacity Expansion dictated by the Power Market Clearing: Application to the Italian and French Systems
The awareness of the close relationships between global warming and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission has risen enormously during the latest years. To set a bound on CO2 emissions, in the EU a CO2 cap is assigned to each Member State (EUA: European Union Allowance) and a market for trading emission allowances (ETS) is presently in […]